Being Tolerant

When someone challenges the truth of my words, I need to think about whether there is something I can correct or learn. When I start to do this, instead of being stubborn about what I have to say or blaming others, I will find it easier to be tolerant. 
Today let me be tolerant.

Look Inwards

We all have three eyes. Two for looking out and one for looking in. Why would we want to look in when everything is happening ‘out there’? Because the treasure we seek is inside, not outside. What is treasure? Beauty, truth, peace, happiness. You already have what you seek. You already are stunningly beautiful. You are already peaceful and loving. How come you don’t know this? Simple, you never look inwards, beyond superficial memories or recent experiences, so you never see your own riches. 
Today let me take a moment to stop, look in and see. Don’t rush. Don’t search. Just look. And be aware.

True Victory

True Victory is to have inner stability in all situations. In order to experience success or feel victorious in life, I need to respond not to react in all situations. Even in the most negative situations I can remind myself that the situation itself is not in my hands. 
Today let me make the choice to respond with patience and love in all situations. 

Inner Calling

Everyone has a song in their heart. Everyone has a reason for being here and a season for making their highest, greatest, most auspicious contribution. No one knows what that is or when that is for anyone else. Only my own heart knows what and when it is for me. My heart wants to sing. There is a reason for everything and a purpose to my life.
 Today let me express my inner song and allow myself to respond to my inner calling.

Spiritual Freedom

It is a common assumption that freedom means being without responsibility. On the contrary, to be free means to take full responsibility for every thought, word and action I perform, ensuring that they are of the highest quality. For only when they are the highest quality, do I free myself from bondages, debts and burdens that hold me down. 
Today let me take full responsibility for my own spiritual freedom.

Caring for the Self

True care for others is only possible when I truly care for myself. When I find completeness in myself I will not need to be appreciated, applauded or recognized. Then I can truly care for others because I will not even need to serve - I will simply serve through my very being.
 Today let me care for myself.

Being Appreciative

 Be where you are and be there well. Sometimes we resist being in our current situation, thinking there is somewhere else for me to be, or something else for me to do. However, each of us is in place that is perfect for our development. 
Today let me appreciate the perfect nature of situation.

Better World

Those who transform their own habits become instruments to transform the world. The highest, most elevated qualities within me are the foundation of the creation of an elevated world.
Today let me contribute to the creation of a better world by offering my highest qualities in all situations.


When I am faced with a difficult situation, my mind is flooded with thoughts. I need to learn the art of silence for such situations. Internal silence brings the right solutions because my mind is calm. And when I don't describe the problem too much to people, I will know there is a solution and I will be able to find it too.
Today let me silence my mind and find the solution of any situation I face.

Energy of Love

Relationships are an exchange of energy. If I am in pain, and the other is in pain, then we exchange the energy of pain. For this reason, many relationships are full of pain. When I am full of love and the other is full of love, then the relationship will be full of love. 
Today let me exchange the energy of Love in all the relationships.

Spiritual Exercise

In material minded world, matters of spirit can be lost. Although the spirit is invisible, its impact is felt in my world. As the spirit becomes tainted with selfishness and strong materialistic desires, it loses its ability to shine brightly. When I pay attention to my inner spiritual experiences, with a deeper meaning, those experiences will grow. 
Today let me pay attention to my inner spiritual experiences.

Being Stable

Become stable by relying on your resilience in all situations. Resilience is my personal power, the inner strength that allows me to rise above difficult circumstances, and bounce back stronger than before. With such vitality nothing can bring me down, or de-stabilize me. 
Today let me be stable and resilient.

Turning Inside

The ability to enjoy one's own company is one of the greatest gifts life has to offer. Learning to turn my thoughts away from all my responsibilities at the day's end and take my mind into a state of peace and benevolence enables me to carry greater and greater loads without feeling the burden. When my inner landscape is full of beautiful thoughts, everything I do is a pleasure. 
Today let me turn inside and enjoy my inner landscape.

Detached Observer

Peace ends when I am emotionally involved in situation .The practice of being a detached observer helps me to stay stable and calm and to adopt the position of watching without being involved. From this position I can bring my purest feelings and best qualities to the situation. Even if for only a moment it allows me to detach from my own emotional reactions, giving me clarity and insight. 
Today let me practice the position of a detached observer.

Atmosphere of Harmony

Good wishes and untainted intentions for others act like sunlight, filtering into the dark corners of the mind and lightening burdens. The atmosphere becomes heavy when people share negative stories or hurts. In this atmosphere everyone begins to feel negative and burdened. However, When I carry an attitude of good wishes with me it spreads in the atmosphere and creates harmony and light. 
Today let me create a harmonious atmosphere through my attitude.


Each and every new point that I hear and read about is interesting. Knowledge is not only theory but can be translated into practical action. The more I learn, the better equipped I will be to deal with whatever situations I face in the future. 
Today let me recognize the worth of jewels of knowledge and use them practically.


When I have mercy for others, I am able to accept their feelings, emotions and behavior and provide them with the right kind of mental support. Then I am able to give them courage without being influenced negatively with their feelings of pain and sorrow. So my mercy influences myself positively too as I am able to keep myself positive under all circumstances. 
Today let me be merciful.

Consistent Progress

It is not the distance but the first step that matters. We plan big projects including our own spiritual development and yet we discover that no matter how big our vision, it is the daily commitment to taking small consistent steps that makes the greatest difference to life. 
Today let me be consistent in taking small steps forward.

Fresh Start

 The dead weight of our personal histories is like a ball and chain that can stop us from being in the here and now. If I give too much importance to my past, I cannot see what is possible for me in the present and I am further blocked from seeing the future. When I live my life in awareness that each moment is a new start I am able to move into fresh perspectives.
Today let me finish the past and embrace each moment as a fresh start.


Patience and more patience enable a closed mind to gently open. Sometimes it takes a long time for an inner habit to change, or for a new understanding to truly penetrate the mind. If I continue to dedicate myself humbly to understanding and improving myself, using the spiritual help available to me, then eventually I will experience change.
Today let me enjoy the experience of being patient.


The best nourishment for both the body and mind is the nourishment of happiness. The one who is able to be in happiness under all circumstances is truly healthy. When I have the aim to be happy, I will start finding reasons to be so. Happiness brings a lot of other qualities that help me empower myself to face challenges. So, I become stronger mentally, thereby becoming physically healthier too. 
Today I will be happy whatever the situations or challenges I may have to face throughout the day.

Real Decoration

True decoration is to decorate ourselves with virtues. For example, happiness and peace brings decoration to my face. In order to be decorated, I need to leave attachment to weaknesses. When I am able to give up weaknesses, my virtues too are uncontaminated. In order to give up weaknesses, I need not give too much importance to them. Instead, I need to focus on working on my strengths.

Today I will decorate myself with one virtue.

Putting a Full Stop

To think over and over again about a mistake I have made, is to put stains on top of stains. When I remember again and again a mistake I have made, I deepen my own feeling of weakness and torment myself with blame. To face a mistake and learn from it allows me to let it go and move forward empowered by wisdom and determination. 
Today let me put a full stop to the habit of reliving mistakes.


There is no better time than now when I can bring about a change in myself. The moment I realize that I have to change, I should work at bringing about change in myself immediately. When there is equality in what I understand, desire and do, there is success.
Today let me realize and bring change in myself.

Feelings of Belonging

Feelings of belonging last longer than tasks accomplished. Creating a feeling of belonging is more important than getting the task done. When I take a few moments before getting down to business, to exchange a few words of encouragement or appreciation, I create a feeling of belonging and closeness. This creates a fabric of unity and makes the work easier.
Today let me create connections with others as well as get tasks done.

True Self

If the alignment of human body is compromised, the body’s systems begin to suffer. In this state, one loses his physical power. In the same way, if am not in the alignment with my true self, I begin to lose spiritual power. When I am aligned with the truth of who I am, a spiritual being of energy inside a human body, I am powerful and healthy. 
Today let me align myself with my true self.


Success means to reach such a constant level of positive thoughts that pure actions happen naturally. Pure actions are like good seeds which, when planted, produce healthy, sweet fruit.  ‘As you sow. so shall you reap.’ Concern for the quality of my actions today ensures the Success of my tomorrow.
Today let me sow the seed of positive thoughts.


Love brings consistent success. If I am doing something I love, I will put all my energy into making it work and doing the best I can. 
Today let me add the flavor of love in whatever I work on.


When we face challenges, we may not look for solutions from others, but we definitely tend to look for support from others. Yet, we find that most people today are unable to give support. We then tend to get disappointed, further increasing our negativity. Yet, we need to understand that each one has their own problems and they too are in some way looking for support. We need to be internally so powerful and self-reliant that we can become a support for others, instead of expecting from them.
Today I will create a simple practice for myself. At least 5 times today, I will tell myself "I am powerful and self-reliant".

Detach Myself

Old negative habits are not mine, they are baggage I have accumulated on my journey through Life. This does not mean I have no responsibility for them, but it DOES mean that they are NOT me! When I say MY in relation to these old habits, they will claim a right over me and take over my world. 
Today let me detach myself from negative habits and give myself some space to be free from them.


A compassionate person develops an eye for spotting the qualities that make each person special. Even when others are at their lowest ebb, it is possible to help them restore their self-belief by keeping a firm, clear vision of their goodness and specialties.
Today, taking a gently encouraging approach, I will see the best in others and never give up on anyone.