Caring my Mind

The most important part of you is your mind. Care for your mind, make friends with it, always feed it healthy food, engage it in positive activity, and exercise it with knowledge and wisdom.Like a garden returns fragrance and beauty according to the care invested, so your mind will repay you with thoughts, ideas and visions of great beauty when tended and invested with care.
Today let me make effort to take a good care of my mind.

True Donor

 Darkness is dispelled when a light is switched on. Similarly, a powerful stage is also a light switch. When this switch is on, one can put an end to all wasteful darkness and no longer have to labour to stop any wasteful thoughts. By becoming powerful, one can naturally become a donor, as there is nothing waste within. 
Today let me become a true donor.

True Respect

True Respect makes me look at the specialties in everyone and I am able to relate to these specialties. The more I look at the positive aspect in others, the more I am able to encourage others to use these specialties and relate to my own specialties too.
Today let me see specialties in everyone and give them true respect.

Energy of Hope

The world needs our hope. The world needs our optimism. In a world full of cynicism and pessimism, many feel that to have hope and optimism is a sign of being out of touch with reality. However, the solutions for the world will not come from pessimism. They will come from hope, courage and optimism.
Today let me offer the energy of hope and optimism as a gift to the world.


Introspection is the attitude of going inside when it's necessary. It is especially applicable before a task or a busy day. The result of going inside is peace and calmness, which gives clarity to the intellect for making right decisions. Introspection does not mean avoiding the world, it means going inside and getting empowered to act along with others.
Today let me spend some time with myself.

True Success

True success cannot be measured on the outside – how big the achievement, how big the bank account, the job, the position or the title. True success is measured by the size of your heart. The biggest heart in the world is the heart of a mother, who cares for the dignity and well-being of others. 
Today let me expand the capacity of my heart.

Positive Atmosphere

The greatest service is to create a powerful, positive atmosphere. When I feel fulfilled inside - peaceful and content - I radiate an energy that allows those around me to experience fulfillment. They become settled in themselves. 
Today let me create a positive atmosphere.


Contentment is an active state of mind. Often contentment is thought of as boring or flat, the absence of excitement. However contentment is an active state, a full and satisfying quality of being. When I am content I am satiated, beyond the pulls and pushes of desire and powerfully radiating a circle of comfort around me. 
Today let me be content and use this active state to offer positive energy to my world.

Make Things Lighter

When I have the ability to look at things lightly, I will be able to transform something as big as a mountain into something as small as a grain of sand. This gives me the courage to deal with situations with ease. Such a state of mind is naturally able to bring out the best solutions under all circumstances. 
Today let me look for the solutions instead of looking at the problems.

Happy and Cheerful

There is no nourishment like happiness - it's an elixir. There is no sickness like sorrow - it's a poison. The experience of true happiness cures the sickness of sorrow. A cheerful face goes a long way towards making everything better.
Today let me stay happy and cheerful.

Being Stable

The one who is stable is not influenced by one's own old habits and tendencies to react, but is able to think and act properly under all circumstances. The power of stability brings forth the best decisions in the most difficult times, brings solutions and helps in lessening the impact of the obstacle itself. 
Today let me make effort to be stable.


Peace is simplicity. Simplicity is beauty. Choose a day as your day of simplicity. Speak little, and listen with attention. Do something incognito and nice for a person you are close to. Eat simple and natural food. Create time periods for not doing anything - just walk, look around, live the moment. Have your mind open to a more profound and silent sensitivity. Appreciate each scene and each person as they are.
Today let me make effort to be simple and enjoy each and every scene.


When you build a house, every brick counts. When you build a character, every thought counts. You are what you think. Love, purity, peace, wisdom - the more you think of these qualities, the more you will become them. 
Today let me think of only positive qualities.


The actions you perform are your insurance. What I give I will get. It may take a long time but every good action and thought will come back to me. 
Today let me reach for highest actions with the understanding that my karma (action) is my protection.


Patience brings a state of calm inside which helps in finding the answers that already lie within. When I am able remain patient even in the most challenging situations, I am able to remain calm. I don't let go of my inner peace but am able to be aware of my own inner resources. I am able to retain my inner strength which gives me courage to find the solution for every problem. 
Today let me be patient and use my inner resources in a worthwhile way.


Like a garden, my character can be cultivated. Weeds, in the form of negative or waste thoughts can be removed.Small buds that are ready to bloom in the form of new habits of thought and action can be protected and nurtured so they will grow.
Today let me care for the garden of my character.

Free from Sorrow

I weaken my heart when I take sorrow. To say someone has hurt me is to admit that I have taken sorrow. It is up to me if I allow another person’s words, attitude or actions to affect me. I need not allow them to touch my inner core. When I do, I become hurt. 
Today let me choose not to take sorrow.

Caring for Myself

True care for others is only possible when I truly care for myself. When I find completeness in myself I will not need to be appreciated, applauded or recognized. Then I can truly care for others because I will not even need to serve - I will simply serve through my very being. 
Today let me care for myself.


Relationship is everything. I have a relationship with everything in my life – people, nature, even the chair I’m sitting in. At this time I am able to use spiritual power and understanding to transform the nature of my relationships. Using the power of understanding, appreciation and determination I can free myself where I am in bondage to other people's expectations. And I can free others from the bondage of my expectations. 
Today let me enjoy clean, free and respectful relationships with everything in my world.


The Rose is beautiful and it has thorns. Like a rose we need to maintain our originality and uniqueness while being amongst the thorns. Instead of blaming others and their negativity for our own negativity, we need to practice being positive and working with our original qualities. Then we will never complain but will always use our own specialties.
Today let me maintain my original qualities like a Rose and spread the fragrance of positivity.


Happiness is not dependent on anything. I don’t actually need anything to be happy. It’s not something that comes from outside, it comes from inside, and when I decide to radiate with happiness; I find energy within to support this decision. Then I watch in amazement to see what this energy attracts into my life.
Today let me decide to be happy, and watch magic begin to enter my life.

Real Hero

The main quality of a hero is courage – not a reckless bravado, full of impulse and ambition, but a quiet, introspective courage.In that quietness, the hero is able to discern and then decide on a particular course of action. He might see that it is better to let go of another person’s past rather than hold it against them or constantly remind them of it. With humility and courage the past is forgiven; the hero completely lets go.
Today let me make effort to be real hero.

Power of Love

Love gives us the strength and power to tackle different situations. Ina situation in which I find myself failing, I should draw strength from the love that surrounds me, as well as the love within me. Knowing I am loved gives me the faith to overcome whatever obstacles are in my way. When others love me, my belief in myself increases, leading to success.
Today let me use the power of love to gain victory in all situations.


Give someone a look filled with sweetness for a few moments, speak a few sweet words and you will make that person happy for a long time. Sweetness is the energy of purity - innocence and sincerity. Sweetness melts hearts. A few moments of sweetness from your eyes, in your words can completely change a person’s day. 
Today let me offer sweetness in a bitter world.


Circulation is needed for a healthy heart. For a healthy soul pure energy must flow. Positive thoughts provide pure energy for the soul. When I have thoughts about enduring qualities of the spirit such as love, peace, beauty, and happiness, I am moving pure spiritual energy through the soul. 
Today let me provide good circulation for the soul.

Enjoy the Change

Change is like a river, constantly flowing and moving things around. The river of life is constantly bringing me ideas, people, situations- each one is an opportunity to be enriched or to enrich others, and to learn. When I enjoy the fact that everything is changing I can relax and learn from life.
Today let me enjoy the constancy of change.


Silence opens the mind to new possibilities. When I get involved with too many thoughts I get tossed around on the sea of inner turbulence. Silence is a life buoy out of turbulent thoughts. I have the power to turn my attention away from turbulent thoughts and enter silence, a comforting, illuminating inner space. 
Today let me choose moments of silence.

Spiritual Love

Spiritual love means never to become entangled in the threads of ‘wanting’. Spiritual love inspires others to do and to be, to reach for something better in themselves and to manifest it to others as a selfless gift. Spiritual love means being happy to see someone expressing their potential even if it takes them away from me. 
Today let me experience spiritual love.

Being Cooperative

Be cooperative in helping others to become strong. We all have weaknesses that we reveal on a daily basis at home, at work, with friends. And yet true friends will see our strengths more clearly than they see our weaknesses. 
Today let me be a friend to everyone by seeing their strengths.

Cleaning my Mind

The mind holds the energy created by my thoughts. Whatever thoughts I have in the day will leave a residue in my mind. By the end of the day my mind might feel cloudy, dark, or filled with cheerful colors, depending on the thoughts I have had in the day. I can use my intellect as a magnifying glass to catch and focus the energy of the Spiritual Sun and burn away the negative residue in my mind. 
Today let me clean my mind by filling it with spiritual light.

Be Happy

Remain happy in every situation and you will become one who knows all secrets. When I am happy I am able to see without ego. I can see all sides of every situation because I am not caught up in any part of the drama. Just like Mary Poppins riding over the rooftops - all secrets below become visible for one who is happy. 
Today let me be happy and begin to understand the secrets around me.