Free from Ego

When I am resisting something, I am feeding ego. Ego makes me refuse to bow, bend or flex to adjust to the situation or person in front of me. With self respect I am able to be flexible and accommodate without ever feeling I am losing a part of myself. Ego convinces me I am being insulted, not respected. Although the intentions of the other person may be such, they affect me ONLY if there is ego in me. To starve ego I must feed true self-respect. 
Today let me check any resistance and melt it with self-love and self-respect

Self Coaching

Learning involves making mistakes. Sports coaches and theatre directors specialize in detecting small mistakes in movement, tone, facial expression in order to correct them. The subtle suggestions for improvement help a person improve. To be afraid of mistakes is to stop learning. Meditation helps me see a mistake in thinking so I can shift it before it turns into action.
Today let me be a good coach to myself and catch the small mistakes in thinking and correct them.

Being Independent

No matter how independent I become I will carry some baggage with me. Leaving home to explore the world, I discover I have brought myself with me. All the strengths and weaknesses are there. Only the courage to move forward, explore new horizons and integrate knowledge as wisdom will help me become truly independent. The spiritual journey is a path to true independence, focusing on strengths until the weaknesses weaken. 
Today let me be independent.

Motherly Love

It is an art to sustain myself ...and to then sustain others. A mother knows how to soothe her baby and nurture growth with love. At this time the world needs mothering. 
Today let me offer the love of a mother to the world.

Spiritual Student

To be a spiritual student is to respectfully submit oneself to learn the subtle spiritual laws and apply them in real life situations. This is quiet, personal process and the results are a serene, high spirited energy that helps me progress.
Today let me be a spiritual student and apply myself to the subtle process of learning through practical application.

Way to Contentment

At the end of each day, make a list of all that I have attained during the day. The list could include even little things that made me happy. This practice helps me to see what I am attaining and makes me content. 
Today let me start the practice of making a list of daily attainments and keep myself content.

Clearing my Memory

The biggest mistake is to keep the mistake of others in your mind. When I hold something negative about others in my mind, it lodges there as negative energy. Every time I see the person I will be reminded of this mistake, condemning them by reliving it myself. Eventually this mistake will be so deeply ingrained in my memory that I will believe it is the other person’s character. When this happens, I am unable to see them in a positive light. And I lose the ability to see someone in a positive light; I lose my own light. 
Today let me clear my memory of mistakes made by others.

Foundation of Silence

The highest tower needs a deep foundation. In the same way, higher thinking is based on going deep within. When I go into silence I discover deep truths about myself. Beneath the noise of the surface world, the world of thoughts and feelings, there is a deep reservoir of silence. When I touch this silence I reach the depth of myself and I can build my life on this solid foundation.
Today let me build a wondrous life based on a deep foundation.


Positive Outlook

When I have a positive outlook, it creates in me hope and enthusiasm for the future. I also have a more positive view of the present reality. I remain in peace, whatever the challenges or negative situations I may have to face. I am able to be in touch with the inner peace and maintain this state of mind under all circumstances.
Today let me create positive outlook towards life.

Beyond Confusion

To be in tune with myself, I can go beyond the sound of thoughts, the sound of feelings and especially beyond the sound of questioning. 
Today let me stay quietly in tune with myself choosing to stay beyond any confusion.

Real Transformation

The greatest service is to transform a negative atmosphere into a positive one. When we find ourselves in situations where the atmosphere is negative, we can look to others to change it or we can complain to ourselves and add more negativity to the situation. OR we can remain light and easy and infuse the atmosphere with positivity. 
Today let me transform a negative atmosphere with my own positive attitude.

Good Things

Each day take out some time for yourself and make it a point to read and think of good and positive things. When you continue to fill your intellect with good food in this way, there will no place for anything waste and it will become healthy eventually. 
Today let me start the practice of reading and thinking of good things.

Moving my Attitude

There is no guarantee that moving away from difficulty will make it different somewhere else. By repeating old patterns I recreate similar situations wherever I go. Rather than moving myself away from difficulty I can move my attitude. By moving my attitude I create space for the difficulty to loosen up and I give myself a chance to see something new. 
Today let me move my attitude rather than moving myself away.


When we face challenges, we may not look for solutions from others, but we definitely tend to look for support from others. Yet, we find that most people today are unable to give support. We then tend to get disappointed, further increasing our negativity. Yet, we need to understand that each one has their own problems and they too are in some way looking for support. We need to be internally so powerful and self-reliant that we can become a support for others, instead of expecting from them.
Today I will create a simple practice for myself. At least 5 times today, I will tell myself "I am powerful and self-reliant".


Everyone seeks cooperation from others, but the beauty lies in cooperating with others. When I am able to be cooperative with others and provide them with the help that they require, I am able to enjoy the joy of giving unconditionally. I am free from expectations from others and I am able to enjoy the growth that I perceive in others. This is the true help that one can extend to others.
Today let me extend the hand of cooperation to others.


Silence is not a lack of communication. There is a subtle language that connects us to one another through the eyes, with a smile, or a gesture. In moving into an inner space of silence, we are attuning ourselves to the spirit of nature and letting go of the tendency to be critical. Silence provides the opportunity for me to identify the qualities in myself that have the capacity to transform me.
Today let me spend a few moments in Silence.

Spirit of Sharing

There are lots of resources in each one's life that can be shared with others. The more there is the consciousness of giving there is the ability to give and share these inner resources with others. New treasures are discovered and used for the benefit of all and also for the self. Life becomes more and more satisfactory and I feel richer for having given unconditionally. 
Today let me experiment with the spirit of sharing and experience constant satisfaction.


Prosperity is a spiritual matter. Prosperity is a spiritual bottom line not a fiscal one. Our faith, not our cash flow, is what brings to our lives a sense of comfort and ease. It is the amount of faith we have in a benevolent universe that determines our feelings of abundance. A feeling of clarity, serenity, and a sense of safety is a prosperous heart. 
Today let me have faith in positive outcomes and experience abundance.


 The lotus is a symbol of purity. Its roots are in the mud, but the flower remains above the dirty water. I can live my life like a lotus by being in the world, but remaining unaffected by impurities.  
Today let me protect myself from the world’s negativity by living like a lotus.


Friendship is shared silence. To be a true friend to myself or to anyone else, I must be comfortable with myself: comfortable enough to share silence and uncontaminated feelings. When I am comfortable in silence, I am able to share space with another person. This sharing is the deepest connection of two souls. 
Today let me be a real friend by sharing comfortable silence.


Abundance is to see that there are endless possibilities open in the future. And at the same time, abundance is the capacity to see an incredibly rich existence right here and now where I am. Abundance generates the feeling of gratitude for everything and everyone we have in our life. 
Today let me express gratitude for what I have and what might come in my life and I will experience abundance.

Being Truthful

Truth cannot be hidden. It is like a diamond that shines wherever it is. When you are true to yourself you become like an alchemist's stone, transforming any gathering by bringing truth and honesty into the atmosphere.
Today let me be true to myself.


 Introspection means the desire to be good. Introspection brings the ability to look within and see the true self in the mirror of the heart, thus enabling one to activate the inner spirituality. Then all effort made will be towards activating this inherent goodness. And slowly one finds that the behavior associated with negative traits are no more expressed, as they begin to lose their hold. 
Today let me practice introversion.


When the energy of our consciousness is out of our control - the mind is agitated. We are being emotional. The solution is to detach from the inner storms, stand back and observe the hurricane pass. Detached observation withdraws the energy which your emotions require to sustain themselves. When you watch your own anger, it dies. If you don't detach from it, and observe it and it will be your master.
Today let me detach myself from my inner storms and be a master of myself.

Welcoming Light

Ego keeps the soul tightly held behind a wall. Ego convinces me I am fine and need no help. So I remain in the dark not even knowing there is sun beyond the wall. Only when there is a crack in the wall can light enter. 
Today let me admit vulnerability and welcome light into my mind.

Seeing Situations

Although difficulties may occur, they are meant to awaken or strengthen something inside me - a virtue, a power, determination or a choice. 
Today let me see my current circumstances in the light of what I am learning in the big picture of eternity.


I need to recognize that like musical notes we are all different. Only when I am able to harmonize with others can i create a beautiful tune. When I work with other people, I learn to understand them. In the process, I will also learn more about myself and how to use my strengths to support others.
Today let me learn the art of harmonizing with others.


If you experience tension at any time there is a simple method to finish it: simply add an 'a' and pay attention to yourself. Pay attention to your thoughts; create only those thoughts which are necessary, don’t allow yourself to go into unnecessary thoughts or words. 
Today let me start the practice of paying attention to my thoughts and words.


Expecting the best of others is definitely a better option than the alternative. But when people don’t live up to your expectations, how do you react? Now, you can't expect people to fit into your expectations, can you? Unplug from your expectations and accept people as they are. If need be, readjust your expectations to something more reasonable and realistic. 
Today let me make an effort to unplug my expectations and accept others as they are.


The actions you perform are your insurance. What I give I will get. It may take a long time but every good action and thought will come back to me.
Today let me reach for highest actions with the understanding that my karma (action) is my protection.


The meaning I make in any situation is based on the lens I use to see what is going on around me. Meaning allows me to understand the context and choose my thoughts, actions and words appropriately. Even when something is difficult, understanding its meaning soothes the mind and helps me cope. Meaning can be found after a moment of mindful silence. 
Today let me create meaning.