Dialogue with Myself

In Greek the work for meditation comes from the root word of dialogue. Meditation is to dialogue with the self and with God through the intellect. Rather than using the intellect to be intellectual and overthink or analyze, it means to use the intellect to discern the subtle self and a connection to the divine. 
Today let me dialogue with myself.



Happiness is not a destination, it's a journey. Happiness is not tomorrow, it is now. Happiness is not a dependency, it is a decision. Happiness is what you are, not what you have. You don't actually need anything to be happy. Because it is not something that comes from outside, it comes from inside. 
Today let me experience happiness wherever I am.



The sound of the lips can be recorded by the instruments of science, but the sound of the mind cannot. It is only through the power of silence that the sound of each mind can be heard, as though speaking directly to another mind. When you listen in silence you can feel the thoughts of another's mind. This is the experience of understanding.
Today let me use silence to hear and understand.


Forgive and Forget

To forgive and forget is to reflect love. Situations pass, they cease to exist, but they continue to be alive in the mind.Open your heart and be generous, free yourself from that sorrow, forgive and forget and you will live every moment in peace.
Today let me make effort to forget the past and forgive myself and others.


Powerful Thoughts

A thought with power in it will become practical. Without power a thought is an empty wish. When my thoughts are conditional – ‘I will try, I will do it IF this happens’ then the intention is weak, the thought becomes weak and it attracts opposition. Suddenly there are many reasons why it is not possible.
Today let me choose to fill my thoughts with power.


Be Strong

When something happens that is not to my liking, I need not get caught up with it. The situation tends to colour my thoughts and I become negative because of the situation. Wisdom lies in being strong, uninfluenced. I need to become a source of power rather that becoming vulnerable to the weaknesses.
Today let me make effort to be strong and smiles at everything that happens.


Positive Attitude

See and hear every person and every situation with a positive attitude. By thinking that everything is good, everything becomes good. Make the attitude of your mind good and powerful and even something bad will become good. 
Today let me make effort to see everything with positive attitude.



Everyone talks to themselves. At times it's a conversation that runs continuously in the background of our mind. So, don't allow negative self-talk to creep in and sap your confidence. Increase your self-worth by choosing to talk to yourself with complete respect. No criticism or judgement allowed! Give yourself credit for everything you try to do. And when you catch yourself expecting perfection, remind yourself that you are doing your best.
Today let me believe in myself and remember that I am worth it!



Prosperity is a spiritual matter. Prosperity is a spiritual bottom line not a fiscal one. Our faith, not our cash flow, is what brings to our lives a sense of comfort and ease. It is the amount of faith we have in a benevolent universe that determines our feelings of abundance. A feeling of clarity, serenity, and a sense of safety is a prosperous heart. 
Today let me have faith in positive outcomes and experience abundance.


Free from Ego

Ego keeps the soul tightly held behind a wall. Ego convinces me I am fine and need no help. So I remain in the dark not even knowing there is sun beyond the wall. Only when there is a crack in the wall can light enter. 
Today let me admit vulnerability and welcome light into my mind.


New Identity

What I think I am will affect my thoughts my attitude my actions and my vision. When I think of myself as a powerfully contented spiritual being. I begin to feel the contentment within me. A simple shift in identity begins to shift my experience of myself and of my world. 
Today let me experiment with the new identity and observe the impact it has on my experience.


Free from Baggage

If I admit a mistake immediately, half of it is erased from my memory due to the resolution that comes from acknowledgment. However, a trace will be left in my memory track and stored away as baggage for the soul to carry. In moments when I feel weak, these memories will flood my mind creating a lack of self respect. 
Today let me acknowledge mistakes, learn the lesson and free myself from baggage.



Just as a bird cannot fly until it lets go of the branch, I can only be free when I let go of my limitations. Most of the limitations I live with come from my own thinking. When I think I am not able to do something, not able to leave something, not able to create the life I want, I am keeping myself stuck on the branch. Letting go of the limited thoughts about the self is the first step to flying.  
Today let me be free.


Pure Intentions

When I use my qualities and talents with pure intention, others will be inspired and encouraged. If I use my qualities and talents for ego promotion, it will create mistrust, jealousy and resistance in others. When I look at my life, if I find I have a rival, I am most certainly using my qualities with ego. 
Today let me use my talents with pure intentions and surround myself with friends.


Free from Excuses

When I am free from excuses and free from comparison with others, I am able to be light even in the most challenging circumstances. I am not caught up with my own mistakes or those of others, but am able to constantly add on to my treasure store of experiences and be richer and richer with every new challenge faced. 
Today let me stay free from any kind of excuses and comparisons.



Everyone has the same amount of time in their hands. There are some who spend it waiting for something to happen, there are others who waste it thinking unnecessarily or talking unnecessarily. But those who invest time and perform beneficial and fruitful actions, find themselves successful at every step.
Today I will make effort to save small drops of time and invest them well. 



Contentment brings creativity and beauty in my actions. If I am content, I will be able to appreciate what I have today and use it to make something better for tomorrow. If I go on complaining about what I don't have, I will never be able to progress. 
Today let me make a list of all that I have and make effort to be content.


Spiritual Knowledge

If I am showered by treasures but do not use them, it is like being poor. In the same way if I am showered with spiritual knowledge, but I am not using it practically, it is as if I have nothing. Spiritual knowledge must be absorbed and translated into practical action, otherwise it is only ideas. Committing to a daily practice allows me to deepen my understanding and absorb the wealth, the first step in transforming knowledge into practical wisdom. 
Today let me experience being rich.


Taking care

The way I do anything is the way I do everything. How I brush my teeth, peel potatoes or make my bed is an expression of my character. How I take care of the small ordinary things in life is a reflection of my relationship with myself and therefore an indicator of how I take care of the big things in my life. 
Today let me take care of the little things with care.



Spirituality is learning to walk the fine line of being grounded but not tethered. We all need to be practical in a world of action. Spirituality is not about drifting away into ethereal dreams. However being grounded and practical can become a tether when I am unable to lift my consciousness above the mundane. Spirituality enables me to experience the subtle bliss beyond the senses. 
Today let me discover and enjoy the art of being grounded and elevated.



Too much analysis and mental processing pollutes the clarity of my thinking. When I am overloaded with details I miss the essence.Silence increases the quality and the degree of my ability to see clearly, allowing me to use my time, thoughts and qualities effectively. 
Today let me stop and be silent before I think.


Polishing Myself

Only when polished will the gem's potential be revealed. In the same way I must polish myself so my potential is fulfilled. A daily practice of reflection, meditation or contemplation is the polish required for the soul's potential to emerge. 
Today let me fulfill my potential by committing to the polishing process of a daily practice.


Aiming High

Keep the aim of becoming more than you feel you are now. We live inside limited perceptions of ourselves and who we are. It is a paradox on the spiritual journey that we aim to experience deep inner contentment and an acceptance of all that is, while at the same time remaining vigilant not to fall into the complacency of settling for the mediocre. 
Today let me hold, with lightness and love, a high aim for myself.


Honest Heart

An honest heart is an open heart. If we are dishonest in any way with ourselves or with others, it means we are in hiding. There is a wall, a barrier behind which we conceal something of ourselves. Subtle tension will be our companion, and while most of us learn to live with it, it drains our energy and tightens our muscles. When you are honest you will experience a level of inner relaxation that you had forgotten was even possible.
Today let me be honest with myself.


Accepting others unconditionally allows them to remove their masks and feel at ease with who they are. The serenity of being accepted gives them the freedom to be themselves and then lets them easily know and accept themselves too. 
Today let me practice to accept everyone as they are.


Natural Beauty

The beauty of a pearl is the result of accumulation ~ layers and layers of protective coating built up over time. In the same way the beauty of the soul is revealed as a result of accumulating moments of peace. When I take time to sit quietly and 'touch' the core of my being I coat my daily awareness with peace, love and happiness. 
Today let me accumulate layers of natural beauty


Cleaning my Mind

My mind is like a sponge absorbing input all day. Only when I clean it regularly can there be space for my natural qualities of goodness, light, happiness and hope to be seen. 
Today let me clean my mind and keep only goodness inside.


Place of Warmth

Be a portable place of warmth in a cold world. Feelings freeze, hearts harden and minds muddle when senseless and confusing events happen in the world. At this time creating a place of warmth and comfort becomes an act of service. Keeping my inner fire lit, my vision pure and my feelings loving is the spiritual practice required during such times. 
Today let me be a place of warmth and comfort.


Real Gift

My gift is the unique contribution I make in life's situations. Because it is natural, and such a part of me I may not see it. However others see. Whether it is a sense of humour, caring for others, searching for truth or the willingness to cooperate ~ it is a gift. 
Today let me watch for my gift and enjoy giving it away.
