
Everything depends on commitment. Whatever I promise will definitely take a practical form. Without commitment, the energy of my consciousness is dispersed. With commitment, the energy of my consciousness is focused and my subconscious mind seeks to find ways to express my conscious intention. 
Today let me clarify my commitment and watch it take practical shape.

A Big Heart

A big heart means never to be disheartened. It means to have good wishes constantly for others and to enable others to move forward through this. Even if someone with negative characteristics comes in front, there are no feelings of negativity as there is the power to accept and recognize their specialties. I am able to remain beyond confusion and then I will effectively come out of the situation. 
Today, with a Big Heart, let me make effort to keep good wishes for everyone!

Power to Merge

The specialty of the ocean is to merge. The most beautiful pearl is made of the dirt that is thrown into the ocean. So also the power to merge actually allows one to look at the positivity in spite of the obvious negativity that is expressed by the other person. So the relationship with the other person is only with their positivity. 
Today let me use the power to merge and emerge the positivity of others in my heart.

Being Humble

To the extent that you are humble, accordingly you will receive respect from everyone. Those who are humble give happiness to everyone. Wherever they go and whatever they do, they would always spread happiness. So, continue to give everyone happiness and automatically you will receive happiness. 
Today let me imbibe the virtue of humility and give happiness to everyone.


Honesty is usually associated with telling the truth or being open with others. We often find it easier to be honest with others than with our own selves. It can be difficult to admit our own weaknesses, even to ourselves. But in order to progress, we need to be brave enough to face the truth. 
Today let me be honest with myself and check my weaknesses accurately and then I will experience progress.

Be Courageous

When I set out to achieve something, I usually expect help from situations or people, but am not always able to get it. The right way to get help is to first take a step forward even in the most negative situations. With courage and faith when I start in whatever little way I can, I find the help coming to me. Then I will neither stop nor give up with the little setbacks that I am faced with. 
Today let me take the step of courage and have faith in myself.

Being Peaceful

It takes courage to remain peaceful in the face of aggression. An insult or harsh word can feel like an attack and trigger an aggressive response in return. This will only add to the violence in the world. Instead, when I have courage, I can hold my inner peace and discover the power to tolerate a bit of inner discomfort in the name of greater gain: peace.
Today let me have the courage to remain peaceful.

Positive Energy

When my thinking is linked to elevated ideas or seeing the positive qualities of others, I accumulate inner power. However this power drains away when I think about others and their weaknesses. Throughout the day I am either accumulating spiritual power or draining it away. As a result at the end of the day I feel refreshed or drained. 
Today let me choose to link to positive energy.


When the world is burning in anger and greed, the energy of peace and tolerance acts like water to cool it down. Responding with anger or greed only feeds the flames and prolongs the fire. 
Today let me respond to heated situations or people with the coolness of peace and tolerance.

Positive Atmosphere

The greatest service is to create a powerful, positive atmosphere. When I feel fulfilled inside - peaceful and content - I radiate an energy that allows those around me to experience fulfillment. They become settled in themselves. 
Today let me create a positive atmosphere.


When we forgive someone, we actually do ourselves a huge favor because through forgiveness, we release all the negative thoughts, emotions and energies that we are holding onto in our anger and make ourselves light.
 Today let me learn the art of forgiveness and enjoy inner peace.


In a world where things are said but not meant, words become lip service. Even prayers, mantras and chanting lose meaning when repeated without awareness of their meaning. Living becomes rote. When I put meaning into a thought, a word or an action, it becomes meaningful. 
Today let me give meaning to my life.


 When I am free from the impurities within, I am able to experience lightness. Because I am clean and clear within, I find that I do not have any conflict or difficulty in making decisions. Instead I will be able to find the flow of thoughts moving in the right direction very naturally and thus find the things also moving in the right direction.
Today let me make effort to clean myself from within and experience true lightness.


Spiritual Light House

Service to others is usually understood as bringing benefit to others through what I do. I need to pay attention for my own self-progress by learning from everything that happens. I thus find myself improving and filling myself with power. This power spreads around and shows the right path to others, just like a lighthouse, and others continue to take benefit from me.
Today let me become spiritual light house and show the right path to others.

Clearing my Mind

Crystal is clear glass. When you tap it the sound of a pure vibration resonates. Each of us is like crystal. When we are clear inside, we sound a perfect note. 
Today let me sound a beautiful note by clearing my mind and heart.

Lens of Optimism

Bring an optimistic view to your life. Optimism is the lens through which I look at my world. Like a kaleidoscope which arranges bits of colored glass into a pleasing view, I can choose to organize the bits of my life into a view that pleases. The energy of optimism is the organizing principle of positivity. 
Today let me apply the lens of optimism to create a beautiful picture of my life.

Sharing Happiness

A miser is one who only takes. If you share what you receive then you will be happy. This applies to knowledge as well as physical wealth and the wealth of time and energy.
 Today let me donate what I have so others may benefit and I will be happy.

Place of Warmth

Be a portable place of warmth in a cold world. Feelings freeze, hearts harden and minds muddle when senseless and confusing events happen in the world. At this time creating a place of warmth and comfort becomes an act of service. Keeping my inner fire lit, my vision pure and my feelings loving is the spiritual practice required during such times.
 Today let me be a place of warmth and comfort.

Being Peaceful

It takes courage to remain peaceful in the face of aggression. An insult or harsh word can feel like an attack and trigger an aggressive response in return. This will only add to the violence in the world. Instead, when I have courage, I can hold my inner peace and discover the power to tolerate a bit of inner discomfort in the name of greater gain: peace. 
Today let me have the courage to remain peaceful.


Give everyone a gift. Through your mind give the gift of powerful thoughts, through your words give the gift of wisdom and through your actions give the gift of virtues. For this, pay attention that at every moment you can access your personal stock of powerful thoughts, wisdom and virtues.
Today let me pay attention to my stock of thoughts so that I can give gift to everyone.

Loving Myself

When I love myself, I will use all my qualities without being affected by the external situations. I will then use my capability to the fullest. This self esteem brings respect from others too. Others will continue to see and respect those specialties as I am using them consistently.
Today I will pat myself on my back and say to myself "you are special and I love you and am proud of you"


Every action has its seed in a thought. And every thought is a creation of the thinker, the soul. Behind the masks of the responsibilities, roles and relationships is the soul, the one who plays all the roles. In these roles, the soul thinks and decides on actions. The soul is the infinitesimal spark of the spiritual energy, a being of peace and silence. 
Today let me enjoy the experience of myself as the silent being within the roles.


Wisdom is to see what is not seen. When I only see what is visible to the two eyes, I miss out important details. To open the third eye of wisdom and see through to the reality of things is to create opportunities for oneself. I need to give this training to the third eye. 
Today I will make effort to look at the things differently.


The more positive the thoughts flowing through my mind, the more contented I will feel. It is easy to feel contented when we are praised and appreciated but to remain contented when we are being criticized and rejected is the mark of real spiritual strength. The way to develop this level of strength is to learn about God's way of loving. Only when I am in deep contemplation can I see God showing me the kind of love I need to express so that I myself never reject or criticize and always generate good wishes for others. Then I will feel satisfied no matter what life throws at me. 
Today let me be content by understanding God’s way of loving.

Be Adaptive

We all have weaknesses that make it difficult for us to adapt to the needs of a situation. Our weaknesses can make us inflexible and blind to new possibilities. To have the ability to adapt gives me the ability to handle any situation. I become as flexible and beautiful as pure gold, which transforms when heated into something beautiful. I embrace change, and this equips me to enjoy the beauty I create and the joy I spread. 
Today let me be adaptive and be open to the new possibilities.


Simplicity is being comfortable with all the circumstances which shape our lives without worrying or making matters complicated.

Simplicity gives birth to inspiration. It is the quality of the very young and of the aged. One who is simple lives from the heart. 
Today let me be simple.


Some bad habits are like tyrants – they crowd the head and heart so strongly that under no circumstances do they wish to move. They have enjoyed their undisputed reign over us and will not depart easily.To defeat them, it’s important to keep practising the silence of introspection and to connect to the Eternal Reservoir of benevolent energy. 
Today let me practice Introspection.

Being an Example

There is no greater teacher than one’s own practical example. To truly benefit others I must be an example myself. This means that I must be the first one to change. As I change, my example will inspire others. When I absorb spiritual power, knowledge and experience my personal transformation will ultimately bring benefit to all.
Today let me benefit others by becoming an example myself.

Being Light

Because I am a spiritual being, a being of consciousness inside the human body it is my natural experience to feel light and easy. If I do not feel this way then I am trapped in something unnatural. This may be because I am blocked by something like anger, attachment, ego and greed.When I choose to remember my natural state of lightness I am empowered and go beyond the negative energies. 
Today let me be light and natural.

Being Peaceful

The greatest virtue is peace. Throughout the day, stop for a minute and ask yourself ‘How peaceful am I at this moment?’ If someone tries to make you peace less, you must n’t allow yourself to be peace less. Instead, look for the virtues in everyone and pass these on to others.

Today let me make effort to be very sweet and peaceful.


When there is arrogance or ego of any kind, there is no beauty in anything I do. On the other hand, humility brings the willingness to learn and grow. It also keeps me cheerful at all times. So, there is beauty in all I do.
Today I will wear the dress of humility.