
The beauty of a flower unfolds towards the light. There is harmony as each petal, unique in size and shape, arranges itself around the centre. Together they create beauty. In the same way, each unique aspect of myself, when in harmony, creates beauty. 
Today let me express beauty by being in harmony with myself.



Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me. There will be peace on earth when there is peace in the hearts and minds of human beings. Peace is created when I make the effort to forgive, to let go and to give generously when I would rather close my heart. This is the inner work required to create a world of peace. Then every living star in the human family tree will shine. It begins with me. 
Today let me create peace in my heart and mind.


Lifting my Conciousness

Physical strength gives a dancer the power to push off the ground and leap beyond gravity. Spiritual strength gives me the focus and determination to lift my consciousness above the gravity of my ordinary thoughts and soar. I experience the freedom of flying. It takes only a moment to lift my consciousness and be free. 
Today let me fly.


Spiritual Freedom

It is a common assumption that freedom means being without responsibility. On the contrary, to be free means to take full responsibility for every thought, word and action I perform, ensuring that they are of the highest quality. For only when they are the highest quality, do I free myself from bondages, debts and burdens that hold me down. 
Today let me take full responsibility for my own spiritual freedom.



It is when we silence the chattering of our mind that we can truly hear what is in our heart and find the still, clear purity that lies within the soul. Spiritual love carries us into the silence of our original state of being. This silence contains the power to create harmony in all relationships and the sweetness to sustain them. And it is when we are silent that we can let God into our heart and mind, filling us with peace, love and power.
Today let me draw from the reservoir of inner silence.


Faith in the Self

When problems arise, we try to 'figure it out' by using our minds to find an answer. The more I think about it, the stickier the problem becomes, and I get stuck in a web of overthinking. Faith frees me from over-thinking my problems. It allows me to bring the energy of acceptance - it will all be ok - to calm myself down enough to be able to see clearly. Then solutions become obvious. 
Today let me use faith to be free from problems.



Carrying too much, or carrying it in an unbalanced way can make me fall. Carrying a responsibility with fear or resentment will break my spirit. Finding the right balance, holding it with dignity and keeping my eyes focused forward allows me to maintain a steady pace towards my goal. 
Today let me carry my responsibilities in a balanced way.


Being Light

Even on a grey and rainy day, I remember that the light of the sun is very near, just beyond the clouds. By remembering the light, I retain my child like innocence and become full of lightness and ease, for that is my true nature. My pure heart and cheerfulness can lift the spirits of others and bring a smile to their lips. Today let me move lightly through rainy moments.


Love and Regard

Friendship is created when I listen and appreciate the uniqueness of each ones' experience. Where there is regard, there is safety and the possibility for understanding. By listening I create a container of love  for myself and for the other. 
Today let me have conversations of love and regard.



For the person with the “Missing out” habit of thinking, the grass is always greener on the other side of the hill! This habit has its roots in the belief that my happiness and fulfillment lie somewhere “Out There” in a place where I am not present. It is a sign that I have forgotten how to be content within myself wherever I am.
Today let me experience happiness wherever I am.


Being Merciful

When I have mercy for others, I am able to accept their feelings, emotions and behavior and provide them with the right kind of mental support. Then I am able to give them courage without being influenced negatively with their feelings of pain and sorrow. So my mercy influences myself positively too as I am able to keep myself positive under all circumstances.
Today let me be merciful.


Being Powerful

When I am able to be free from carelessness, I am able to move forward with lightness and happiness. There is no difficulty of any situations experienced and I do everything to the best of my ability without giving any excuses. I am able to experience being powerful under all circumstances, as I become the master of the situation. 
Today let me free myself from being careless and use my powers in a worthwhile way.



Unity is harmony within and amongst people. It is built with a shared vision for the good of all and a common goal. Unity is appreciating the value of each person and their unique contribution. When there is willingness to accommodate others, unity blossoms.
Today let me create harmonious atmosphere and thereby experience the fragrance of unity.



Harmony is the ultimate expression of spirituality. Love dissolves hate. Kindness melts cruelty. Compassion calms passion. Cooperation evokes love and when we bow, others bend. This creates harmony .
 Today let me create harmony in my world.



Behind all creation is silence. Silence is the essential condition, the vital ingredient for all creation and all that is created. It is a power in its own right. The artist starts with a blank canvas- silence. The composer places it between and behind notes. The very ground of my being, out of which comes all my thoughts, is silence. 
Today let me stop, take a minute, and listen to the silence within me.


Selfless Love

Love can never be exclusive. The sun does not choose to shine on some flowers in the garden and not others. Love is inclusive and has many faces - caring, listening, sharing from the heart, just accepting someone for what they are right now, are all acts of love, as long as you seek nothing in return. The secret key to the greatest door called love is acceptance. First yourself, then others and eventually all.
Today let me make effort to have selfless love for all.



Patience is a virtue and a power too. Patience tells us that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and that we get over there one step at a time. Patience teaches us not to rush. Knowing that there is a reason and a season for everything it enables us to smile at the challenges, realizing that there is an answer to every problem. And, even though we cannot see it, yet there is awareness that within every problem lies an opportunity. 
Today let me learn the art of patience.


Activate Conscience

The simple act of cleaning the conscience every day, especially before sleep, allows me to catch those moments where I acted in a way I am not happy with. This gives me the chance to release energetic knots, to learn and to change. If I clean my conscience daily it will function properly in those big moments when I need to discern the best path forward through complex or cloudy situations. 
Today let me activate my conscience through regular cleaning.


Strong Heart

A physical doctor can fix a damaged heart, but not a broken or hard heart. Only love can heal a broken heart. At this time many hearts have hardened due to the pain of betrayal, hurt and mistrust. Negativity and cynicism are expressions of a hard heart. Negativity can provoke a hardhearted response. However healing requires softness. A strong, loving heart softens and heals.
 Today let me experience a big, strong, soft heart.


Filling the Holes

Weakness is the empty space between strengths. When there is a hole in the ground, if I attempt to dig it away the hole will only get deeper. In the same way if I try to get rid of my weaknesses by digging them out, they will only get deeper. Instead let me fill the hole with flowers. 
Today let me face the sun, fill with light and grow strengths where there are holes.


Power of Love

In a world of black and white, it is love that adds color. Black and white thinking is polarizing, seeing only two options such as either/or, my way/your way, right/wrong. When love is added, color becomes visible and new solutions are seen. It is the energy of love that brings brightness to our world. 
Today let me use love to add color to black and white thinking.


Being Optimistic

Optimism opens a door in difficult or hopeless situations. No matter what the crisis, an optimist maintains the outlook that it is a sign, time for a different way of thinking, or of doing things. Sometimes the signal has to be very clear even harsh, otherwise we may continue in self-delusion and not wake up. Of course if we lack optimism, instead of taking this signal as a step towards renaissance, complaint, resentment or even desperation will emerge. 
Today let me be optimistic.


Free from Ego

Ego is not just having a big head. Ego is present every time you feel any kind of fear, or hear yourself saying "That's mine". The truth tells us that nothing is 'mine' or 'yours', we are all trustees, and fear is only present where there is the voice of attachment. Detach from everything, and you will banish ego, fear will be no more, and only then can true love return.
Today let me make effort to remain free from Ego.


Attitude towards Life

Never fight. Nothing is worth fighting for. Wisdom never fights, it waits patiently, speaks positively, releases easily, sees benefit in everything and envisions a future of abundance.knowing that all needs will be met at the right moment, in the right way. If you think life is a struggle you will always be struggling, If you think life is a breeze, your attitudes and actions will convey lightness and easiness. And that's what attracts everything you need, and much more. Make today a breeze not a battle.
Today let me make effort to enjoy the life.



The greatest art is to be silent. Not just unspeaking with the lips, but unspeaking with the mind. When the mind is quiet, its whole angle of vision changes. From pouncing on the problems, it begins to perceive the chances, the good things in life: and, in that discrimination which comes from silence, lie all other arts. The arts that make life a pleasure and a challenge; like how to talk to each other, entertain each other, accept each other - in short, how to be happy not just together, but alone.
Today let me make effort to practice silence.


Bringing Light

There can be no dark where there is light. Too often we spend our time and energy worrying about how to dispel darkness. We focus on difficult situations wondering how we can get rid of them. However, when I aim to bring light to these situations, the darkness is automatically dispelled.
Today let me remember to bring light rather than fight darkness.


Clean Intellect

The little pieces of my heart are caught in many different things. There are past hurts and joys, there are longings and unfulfilled desires in my heart. My heart is a storehouse of the past. It also holds a consistent thread of love that I carry always. To access the best of my heart requires the discerning capacity of the intellect. To choose that which serves best in each situation requires the clarity of a clean intellect. 
Today let me use the best intelligence of my heart and my intellect.


Path of Life

Things happen on the journey of life that changes the course of the journey. If I am attached to what’s going to happen next then I can’t be present for what is happening now. Attachment becomes expectation and prevents me from enjoying what is in front of me. 
Today let me enjoy the changing path of life’s journey.
