Real Beauty

To see the beauty of every being is to create beauty in the world. This requires a discerning "eye" or intellect to see behind the masks that everyone wears. When I come out from behind my own mask I can more easily see behind the masks of others.
Today let me see beauty behind the masks.


Realizing one's own mistakes and making amendments is usually associated with negative feelings. But true introspection lies in realizing one's own positive qualities. It is to see ourselves with "real eyes" and see the hidden potential and strengths. When we truly realize, there is change and that mistake would never be repeated. 
Today I will see a strength of mine and I will keep awareness of this specialty as a background. This will help me bring quality to whatever I do.


Unity is harmony within and amongst people. It is built with a shared vision for the good of all and a common goal. Unity is appreciating the value of each person and their unique contribution. When there is willingness to accommodate others, unity blossoms.
Today let me create harmonious atmosphere and thereby experience the fragrance of unity.

Creating Happy Moments

Do not wait for happy endings, but create them with the power of a generous heart. To wait for happiness to come to me is to place my life on hold. I am a creator of my own happiness. 
Today let me offer something to everyone I meet; a smile, a nice comment, the cooperation of my time or energy and discover the secret of creating happiness.

Think Before Act

When I am able to give time to myself to think before performing any action, I am able to take the opportunity to be clear in my thinking. The consequences of the action I wish to take, are clear in my mind, and so the action taken to overcome the situation is right. Hence I receive easy and sure success. 
Today let me think before performing any action.

Pure Feelings

The more I am able to have pure feelings for those around me, the more is the positivity that emerges from within. Because of having discovered the positivity within, I am able to spread it unconditionally. So I experience the immediate fruit of what I have given and also accumulate for the future. 
Today let me spread the vibrations and pure positive feelings around me.

Being Attentive

If I keep the weaknesses of others in my mind, they soon become a part of me and make me weak.Spiritual energy is absorbed through attention. Where my attention goes, my energy flows and life grows. 
Today let me be aware of where my attention goes and choose to direct my energies to grow virtues and strengths.

Thinking Light

The biggest disease of the mind is over-thinking, especially too much thinking about others. Thinking too much is like eating too much. The heaviness makes it impossible to remain light and flexible. When I realize this and turn back towards simple thoughts of love, kindness, peace and other spiritual qualities I free myself from the unnecessary burden of too much thinking. 
Today let me think light.

Protecting Inner Peace

Often, from a grain of sand a mountain emerges. It is possible to spend my whole day focused on trivial matters, getting lost in the petty details of this drama of life. When I am focused on the small details with the feeling that they are everything, then I lose the broader perspective of life. Everything that comes in front of me is a passing scene. In order to enjoy the beauty of the whole drama I must be careful not to get stuck in any individual scene.
Today let me protect my inner peace by transforming any mountain into a grain of sand.

Power of Silence

The method to chase away all restlessness of the mind is the power of silence. Silence is nectar to an overactive mind. Silence is powerful energy that can be found when I sit still, turn inwards and focus on creating it. By touching it for even a moment the mind becomes refreshed.
 Today let me offer my mind the power of silence.


There is a big difference between being nice and being pure. Nice can be a thin coating over feelings of aggression toward the self or others. However Pure is a deep experience of my own self-worth and the worth of others. Purity creates deep kindness and also the power of clarity and firmness.
Today let me be pure and experience the power of clarity.


Making things positive doesn’t mean a sunny outlook; it means making the choice to see problems as opportunities. Every problem and difficult situation is embedded with a solution - the adventure lies in finding the solution.
Today let me make effort to see the problems from a different perspective.

Significance of Actions

When I understand the significance of my actions and create an elevated fortune for myself through right actions, I am able to experience constant progress in my life. I also naturally become an inspiration for others too, so that they can discover their inner resources to create an elevated fortune for themselves. 
Today let me understand the significance of actions and try to perform elevated actions.

Inner Satisfaction

There are lots of resources in each one's life that can be shared with others. The more there is the consciousness of giving, there is the ability to give and share these inner resources with others which brings constant satisfaction in my life. Then there are no expectations from others, but only an awareness of what I have. Life becomes satisfactory and I feel richer for having given unconditionally. 
Today let me share my resources with others and bring inner satisfaction to my life.

Losing Mental Weight

Lose mental weight by letting go of the past. When I let go of the mental weight associated with past hurts, worry about the future and concern about the present, I find myself light and easy, ready to face life with enthusiasm. Meditation is a simple method of choosing thoughts that give me positive energy.
Today let me meditate on the qualities of stillness, easiness and lightness and find myself losing mental weight.

Aware of my Creation

The Future is not a gift, it is a Creation. I create my life as I am living it. When I am aware that each day is my creation and not just a routine, I invest carefully creating something beautiful to live within. 
Today let me be aware of my Creation.

Becoming Free

Some think that they will find peace and happiness when the chaos and confusion in their life finishes. However, confusion is like a mountain. The mountain will not move, the best way past it is over or around. In the same way when I lift my mind and intellect out of the confusion of life, I am more easily able to see it for what it really is; an obstacle.
Today let me keep my mind and intellect above chaos and confusion and become free.


Running after your desires is like chasing your own shadow. The more you try to follow it, the more it runs away from you. All you have to do is to turn back and move towards the sun (your destination) and then all the desires would start following you like your shadow and you will feel content and full. 
Today let me be content and move towards my destination.

Full of Virtues

When we ask how we can serve others around us, we discover that by making our lives inspirational and interacting with wisdom we bring benefit to others. When I think of others who inspire me, it is often because of their qualities, not their accomplishments. To live a life filled with virtues is to inspire.
Today let me live a life full of virtues so that it inspires and brings benefit to others.

Train my Mind

I need to be a mother to my mind, teaching it to think the right kind of thoughts. Even when everything is going well, I need to train my mind. Taking one positive thought every day and spending time with it brings good results. This training makes mind obedient at the time of need and allows me to be positive even in the most negative situations. 
Today let me become the mother of my mind and train it in right direction.

Good Wishes

Change vibrations to change situations. When I hold onto a past negative memory, my vibrations change and become negative. When my energy is even slightly negative, it is felt by others. Only my pure feelings and good wishes will transform a situation. Holding anything negative will dilute my own pure intentions.
Today let me free the flow of pure feelings and good wishes by letting go of negative memories of the past.

Trusting Inner Voice

When I begin to trust myself I can stop looking to others to prove my own merit. When I look within for answers, I begin to grow trust for myself. This trust in myself will free me from asking others what to do and from being dependent on external guidance.
 Today let me trust the inner voice of my intuition and consider its wise directions. 

Positive Thoughts

When you sow a thought you reap an action, when you sow an action you reap a habit, when you sow a habit you reap a character and when you sow a character you reap a destiny. Thoughts are like seeds. You cannot sow the seed of one plant and get another: thistles will never produce daffodils! When your thoughts are positive, powerful and constructive, your life will reflect this.
Today let me start sowing the seeds of positive thoughts.

Appreciate Everything

When I appreciate the Higher Power, the truth, myself, as well as other human beings, then, in effect I have made the commitment to see the beauty of this life. Appreciating others, appreciating nature, appreciating my fortune and the value in the lessons of life is the result of understanding the secrets of this life. 
 Today let me appreciate each second in this way, and then the life will be filled with unlimited moments of beauty and love.

Be Adaptive

We all have weaknesses that make it difficult for us to adapt to the needs of a situation. Our weaknesses can make us inflexible and blind to new possibilities. To have the ability to adapt gives me the ability to handle any situation. I become as flexible and beautiful as pure gold, which transforms when heated into something beautiful. I embrace change, and this equips me to enjoy the beauty I create and the joy I spread. 
Today let me be adaptive and be open to the new possibilities.


Determination is the strength that will bring me success. I need to recognize that difficulties are not as huge as they might initially seem. And that though time seems to stand still, it is moving on – and every new minute brings a renewed opportunity for change and success. I need to develop the determination to work on my problems with this understanding. I will then be able to face any situation with ease. 
Today let me use the power of determination and experience constant success.


Humility brings excellence. Humility means there is no expectation of being perfect always. So whatever is done comes naturally. There is no feeling of threat about others' opinion, but the one who is humble is able to express inner talent without any fear and expectations. So humility takes one forward towards excellence. 
Today let me be humble.

Playing my Role

 When we find things going wrong with us, we sometimes wish for a change in our role. We need to recognize the importance of our own role. Like an actor who doesn't make effort to change his role but brings perfection to his own role, we too need to concentrate on our own role. The recognition of the importance of our own role and the desire to bring excellence to it makes us free from negativity. 
Today let me make an effort to play my role in the best way.

Cleaning my Mind

Inner cleanliness creates royalty. When my thoughts are powerful I rise above mundane, ordinary actions and bring royalty to all that I do. When my thoughts are wasteful they become weak leading to negativity. Taking the time throughout the day to check on my mind and clean out the waste and negative thoughts gives me a chance to regain my own dignified approach to life. 
Today let me check and clean my mind and maintain my own dignity.

Stretching my Limits

When I think I have done enough and I can do no more, it is at this time that I have the opportunity to stretch my limits. Many people feel they have reached their limit and are unable to tolerate anything else in this world and in their lives. I am able to change my world when I stretch beyond my limited thoughts about what is possible.
 Today let me stretch my limits.


When I learn the art of forgiving, I am able to be free from the burden of negative and waste thinking. So there is never any difficulty in giving correction when necessary. The mind is free from the attitudes of the past and it creates harmony in relationships even if the opinions or personalities don't match. 
Today let me learn the art of forgiveness.

Resolving Inner Battle

Spiritual development is not a battle. Although there are times when I get lost in battling against some old thought pattern or habit, I will only win when I remind myself that it is a thought pattern not my true self. To remember my original nature of peace and sweetness is to dissolve the battle scene and be truly victorious.
Today let me give up battling and accept my own innate wholeness.


When we make positive contribution, we often expect to get some sort of recognition. Although we rarely voice this opinion, we feel hurt if others fail to show their appreciation for what we have done.  If I make sure that I enjoy whatever I do, I will no longer be concerned with gaining recognition, but will enjoy the task for its own sake.
Today let me give positive contribution without expecting appreciation in return.


A racing mind that reacts to little things is a mind that has lost its strength. Meditation restores the concentration power to the mind. By choosing what I think about and focusing my attention on these thoughts, I begin to reclaim the power of concentration. This power allows me to wait before responding, freeing me from energy draining reactions. 
Today let me strengthen the muscle of my mind by practicing concentration.

Free from Worry

When we faced with a problem, it’s quite natural to worry. But the worry creates a great number of wasteful thoughts. We can’t find the solution, but neither can we stop worrying. A worried mind filled with negative thoughts will never find the right solution. 
Today let me be free from worry first and then only I can find the right solution.


True nourishment is the nourishment of happiness. When the mind is happy, then automatically I find myself being energetic constantly. For this I need to make sure I give myself something that I am happy about every day.  
Today let me give myself the true nourishment of happiness.

True Respect

When I am able to see my own specialities, I am able to have respect for myself. Then I am not dependent on external sources for my inner state of mind. I remain free from all external influences, and am able to become a source of positive influence for those around me. I constantly enrich my own internal state with each thing that happens. 
Today let me look at my specialities and have true respect for myself.


You can live either by regrets or by realizations. Realization is a powerful insight into what is real, what is lasting and true. Realization comes from contemplation, quiet time spent with the self to reflect on lessons learned. This power enables me to easily overcome hurdles. Regrets come when I don’t learn the lessons from a mistake.  
Today let me live life through the power of realization.


When thoughts and feelings become still, just as when a lake becomes still, I can see into the depths. In stillness, there is an end to thinking and the beginning of ‘seeing’ into the depths of me. Only then can I call on the power of my wisdom, the power of my loving heart, the power of my truth, to create the way I will live my life. 
Today let me empower the quality of my life by accessing the depth of myself.

Quality of Thoughts

We do want to bring about a change in our lives, but most times we are not able to do so. This is because; a lot of thought energy is getting wasted in unnecessary things. Any thought which is not brought into action in the right way is waste. So, we need to check and change such thoughts, so that there is power to change. 
Today I will check the quality of my thoughts from time to time.


Everything that comes will also go. This is a very deep secret of life's drama. Pleasures come and go just as fortunes come and go. In the same way, when pain comes it will also leave. To try to hang onto something forever is to condemn myself to suffer, as it will always change.
Today let me be easy as I appreciate what comes and goes.

Good Things

Each day take out some time for yourself and make it a point to read and think of good and positive things. When you continue to fill your intellect with good food in this way, there will no place for anything waste and it will become healthy eventually. 
Today let me start the practice of reading and thinking of good things.


It is when we silence the chattering of our mind that we can truly hear what is in our heart and find the still, clear purity that lies within the soul. Spiritual love carries us into the silence of our original state of being. This silence contains the power to create harmony in all relationships and the sweetness to sustain them. And it is when we are silent that we can let God into our heart and mind, filling us with peace, love and power.
Today let me draw from the reservoir of inner silence.

Filling my Mind

The mind holds the energy created by my thoughts. Whatever thoughts I have in the day will leave a residue in my mind. By the end of the day my mind might feel cloudy, dark, or filled with cheerful colors, depending on the thoughts I have had in the day. I can use my intellect as a magnifying glass to catch and focus the energy of the Spiritual Sun and burn away the negative residue in my mind. 
Today let me clean my mind by filling it with spiritual light.

Free Mind

A free mind is a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing. A free mind is never offended and it is beyond attachments.
So, whenever I feel offended I should realize these subtle attachments that are limiting my mind, I should let go of these limitations and make my mind free again. 
Today let me free myself from limited attachments and make effort to stay beyond offense. 

Inner Power

True power isn't the power I have over anyone else, it is a full stock of energy accumulated in my  own being. With such power nothing can bring me down. My inner power becomes a natural protection, not just from the ups and downs of life but also from my own Achilles' heel.
Today let me use my inner power to protect myself from my own weaknesses and from negative influences.

Spiritual Excercise

In a material-minded world, matters of spirit can be lost. Although the spirit is invisible, its impact is felt in my world. As the spirit becomes tainted with selfishness and strong materialistic desires, it loses its ability to shine brightly. When I pay attention to my inner spiritual experiences, with a deeper meaning, these experiences grow and act as a buffer between me and materialism. 
Today let me value the subtlety of my own spiritual experience.

Being in Control

Check if you are using words like, 'when things change for the better, I'll change too. I am just waiting for the things to get better' If you are using such words, it means you are letting the situation control you. Each day tell yourself, 'I have full control of the situations around me. It is when I change that things around me will change too and I definitely have the power to change things around me.' 
Today let me become the master and have full control over the situation.

Pure Heart

Have a heart so pure it can sweeten a sour mode and elevate a falling star. When my mood fluctuates up and down in accordance with my surroundings, I become a victim of my circumstances. Yet when I focus on remaining untouched by my surroundings I can bring my positive energy into any situation, transforming it immediately. 
Today let me influence my surroundings by bringing a new, positive energy.

Virtuous Life

When we ask how we can serve others around us, we discover that by making our lives inspirational and interacting with wisdom we bring benefit to others. When I think of others who inspire me, it is often because of their qualities, not their accomplishments. To live a life filled with virtues is to inspire.
Today let me live a life full of virtues so that it inspires and brings benefit to others.