Inner Peace

We all need peace and happiness in life, for this I need to spend a few moments alone each day. I should practice stabilizing myself with one powerful thought and allow the experience of peace from within to flow out to others. When I meet people, my inner peace helps keep my mind free from negative thoughts and I am able to give this experience to others. Where there is peace, happiness naturally flows. 
Today let me spend some time to enjoy inner peace.


Old energy attracts old energy. When I bring newness into my life, everything becomes new. If I try to create newness in my life through possessions, relationships or jobs, I soon discover the old ways creeping in. The true root of newness is to make myself new inside. What idea, personality trait or habit can I make new today?
 Today let me a find a way to be new inside.

Pure Intention

When I use my qualities and talents with pure intention, others will be inspired and encouraged. If I use my qualities and talents for ego promotion, it will create mistrust, jealousy and resistance in others. When I look at my life, if I find I have a rival, I am most certainly using my qualities with ego. 
Today let me use my talents with pure intentions and surround myself with friends.


All things have their time. All things have their answers. All things have their right to be. Accepting this reality, all things come into harmony.
Today let me make effort to accept the things as they are and that way I will enjoy real harmony.

Good Relationships

In order to succeed in our relationships we need to keep our mind free from the experiences of the past. We can do this when we look at the uniqueness and specialty of each individual that we come in contact with. This practice makes us respect all and be free from the negativity of the past. 
Today let me keep my mind free and maintain good relationships.

Sharing Happiness

If I am not happy with something or someone and I am not able to resolve it, I will not be able to give happiness to others too.Whatever I do for others, I need to do it with happiness. 
Today let me be happy and give happiness to someone important in my life.

Taking Steps

It is not the distance but the first step that matters. We plan big projects including our own spiritual development and yet we discover that no matter how big our vision, it is the daily commitment to taking small consistent steps that makes the greatest difference to life. 
Today let me be consistent in taking small steps forward.

Inner Peace

Often, from a grain of sand a mountain emerges. It is possible to spend my whole day focused on trivial matters, getting lost in the petty details of this drama of life. When I am focused on the small details with the feeling that they are everything, then I lose the broader perspective of life. Everything that comes in front of me is a passing scene so I must be careful not to get stuck in any individual scene.
Today let me protect my Inner Peace by transforming any mountain into a grain of sand.


Tolerance is not just suffering in silence. It means going beyond any personal discomfort you may feel, and giving a gift to whoever you would tolerate. Give your time, attention, understanding, compassion, care - all are gifts, which paradoxically, you also receive in the process of giving. And, as you do, you will experience your own self-esteem and inner strength grows. 
Today let me practice the real power of tolerance.


Wisdom is to see what is not seen. When I only see what is visible to the two eyes, I miss out important details. To open the third eye of wisdom and see through to the reality of things is to create opportunities for oneself. I need to give this training to the third eye. 
Today I will make effort to look at the things differently.


When I am able to be open to criticism as a child, I am able to learn from it. I am able to gain further mastery without being troubled by ego. My learning would never be blocked by what other people think or feel. Instead I am able to experience constant progress and sure success. 
Today let me be open and try to learn from my mistakes and experience constant progress.

Treasure of Blessings

We are uplifted by the energy of blessings.When I have brought benefit to others, the energetic return is a silent good wish from their heart. This acts as powerful energy to uplift and move me forward on my own life journey. 
Today let me bring benefit to others and enjoy a treasure of blessings to move forward.

Power to Accomodate

The specialty of the ocean is to accommodate. The most beautiful pearl is made of the dirt that is thrown into the ocean. Also the power to merge actually allows one to look at the positivity inspite of the obvious negativity that is expressed by the other person. So the relationship with the other person is only with their positivity.
Today let me experiment with the power to accomodate.

Seeing True Self

When the fog disappears we can see clearly what is there. If we have been to this location before we know what is there even if we cannot see it due to the fog. In the same way there is a part of me that is always there but I cannot see it because of the fog of mental static or emotional confusion. Knowing it is there allows me to feel oriented and stable even in the fog.
 Today let me 'see clearly' the silent peaceful soul that I am even when there is mental fog.

Conversation with Self

When I talk to myself, who am I talking to? Am I having a conversation with ego ~ the critical, demanding, bossy voice in my head? Or am I speaking with the pure, innocent eternal one, the spiritual being inside this body? The real me is the precious, valuable one who wants to learn and grow on the basis of love and self-respect. 
Today let me speak to my real self.

Care & Share

Caring is sharing. It is miserly to withhold ~ information, time, energy, money, love. If I am miserly in any way in my life, I will discover parts of my life stagnating. I will find myself stuck in a situation or a relationship that isn't nourishing. When I release energy in one area of my life, it begins to flow in all areas. 
Today let me care for myself by sharing my energy, allowing it to flow.

Boarding Right Scenes

Scenes in front of me are like a train passing by. I can just watch as the scenes in front of me pass. When my mind jumps onto the train it gets carried down the track. The practice of detached observer is to observe without getting on board. Then I can choose what to engage with from a position of wisdom and discernment.
Today let me take care of myself by not boarding scenes that are not mine.


A dancer stands in front of a mirror to self-correct. Tiny adjustments made day after day result in a perfect form, creating a shape of movement that is beautiful to watch. In the same way, this exquisite accuracy is used in spiritual practice. Many times each day I check my consciousness and reset it to peace, self-respect and love. When I self-correct by adjusting my attitude and intentions to their purest expression I begin to dance with life. 
Today let me self-correct in little steps.

Trust my Speciality

Whatever is your nature, it automatically does its work. You don't need to think or do anything about it. Each of us has a unique speciality, something that is so natural to us we don't even see it as special. Yet it brings benefit wherever we go. When I discover my speciality I appreciate my true nature. 
Today let me be myself.

Detached Observer

Peace ends when I am emotionally involved in situation .The practice of being a detached observer helps me to stay stable and calm and to adopt the position of watching without being involved. From this position I can bring my purest feelings and best qualities to the situation. Even if for only a moment it allows me to detach from my own emotional reactions, giving me clarity and insight. 
Today let me practice the position of a detached observer.

Elevated Consciousness

To have the right consciousness means to identify oneself with one's own specialties and powers and not to work with weaknesses. When there is such an elevated consciousness, then there is power in all thoughts, words and actions. Effort need not be put for specially making them powerful and effective.
Today let me make effort to keep my mind busy in elevated consciousness.

Good Wishes

The festive season gives us opportunities to meet up with many more people. If you find that you have negative feelings towards certain people, then take a moment to transform your feelings. Follow your spontaneous instinct to give. The heart gives and is full of grace. So, don't just limit your good feelings to just one or two people.
Today let me make my heart big and silently give good wishes to everyone I meet.

Power of Words

There's a powerful connection between the words we use and the results we get. Poorly chosen words can kill enthusiasm. Well-chosen words can motivate, offer hope and consequently alter results. To enhance and empower others, harness your word power to work for you, not against you!
Today let me make effort to learn the art of using appropriate words.

Rise above Weaknesses

A forest tree growing in a tight space is unable to spread its branches wide. The tree directs its energy to deepen the roots. In the same way when I am in a tight space, unable to spread my wings I can increase my strength by conserving energy and deepening my roots. 
Today let me turn my face towards the sun and increase my strength so that, in time, I can rise above the confined space.

Changing Waste Thoughts

Windmills transform wind into energy. Recycling plants turn old waste into usable objects. In the same way I can recycle the energy of waste thoughts and use it to create beauty in my mind and life. Waste thoughts about the unknowable future or the unchangeable past drain my precious energy and leave me tired and spent. 
Today let me transform waste thoughts into power.

Dancing to Inner Melody

The original melody of the soul is peace. Behind the noise in the mind, beyond the fear and hurt in the heart, is a sweet symphony of peace playing as backdrop. When I turn my attention towards it, and away from the noise, I can hear its beautiful sound. 
Today let me dance to my inner melody of peace.

Positive Attitude

See and hear every person and every situation with a positive attitude. By thinking that everything is good, everything becomes good. Make the attitude of your mind good and powerful and even something bad will become good. 
Today let me make effort to see everything with positive attitude.

Renew the World

Today there is a need for awareness of our shared humanity and the need to unite to care for the planet. Only the solutions generated from this loving and generous sense of cooperation will feed a positive change in the world.
Today let me support fresh patterns for a renewed world by giving my love and attention to humanity.

Inner Stability

Each ripple inside of me becomes a pebble in the pond of the collective consciousness. When I have a deep love for harmony and peace, I make effort to keep my inner world peaceful and calm. 
Today let me keep my inner pond stable and peaceful in order to add peace to the world.

New Beginning

 The dead weight of our personal histories is like a ball and chain that can stop us from being in the here and now. If I give too much importance to my past, I cannot see what is possible for me in the present and I am further blocked from seeing the future. When I live my life in awareness that each moment is a new beginning then I am able to move into fresh perspectives.
Today let me finish the past and embrace each moment as a new beginning.