My Creation

The Future is not a gift, it is a Creation. I create my life as I am living it. When I am aware that each day is my creation and not just a routine, I invest carefully creating something beautiful to live within. 
Today let me be aware of my Creation.

Spirit of Sharing

There are lots of resources in each one's life that can be shared with others. The more there is the consciousness of giving there is the ability to give and share these inner resources with others. New treasures are discovered and used for the benefit of all and also for the self. Life becomes more and more satisfactory and I feel richer for having given unconditionally. 
Today let me experiment with the spirit of sharing and experience constant satisfaction.

Enjoy the Uncertainity

Things happen on the journey of life that changes the course of the journey. If I am attached to what’s going to happen next then I can’t be present for what is happening now. Attachment becomes expectation and prevents me from enjoying what is in front of me. 
Today let me enjoy the changing path of life’s journey.

Way to Contentment

At the end of each day, make a list of all that I have attained during the day. The list could include even little things that made me happy. This practice helps me to see what I am attaining and makes me content. 
Today let me start the practice of making a list of daily attainments and keep myself content.

Flowing Attitude

To become rigid is to become an obstacle in life. When I am stuck in an opinion or a certain frame of mind, my energy becomes solid. When my energy does not flow, I am unable to move gracefully with life and its currents.
Today let me soften any solid attitude or opinion and enjoy flowing with life.


When I plan perfectly for the day ahead, I sometimes find that I am not able to implement all that I had planned for. Things seem to be coming up unexpectedly spoiling everything for me. It is as important to be flexible in my thoughts as it is to be particular about my daily schedule. Flexibility allows me to accommodate the unforeseen situations that come up my way and enables me to make the best use of everything. 
Today let me enjoy everything that comes my way.

Turn Inside

The ability to enjoy one's own company is one of the greatest gifts life has to offer. Learning to turn my thoughts away from all my responsibilities at the day's end and take my mind into a state of peace and benevolence enables me to carry greater and greater loads without feeling the burden. When my inner landscape is full of beautiful thoughts, everything I do is a pleasure. 
Today let me turn inside and enjoy my inner landscape.

Being Full

The greatest illusion of all is that I lack something. At this time the world is thriving on a deficit mentality and the perception of "lack" is actively promoted. However, the perception of lack is wrong because it is based on a limited thought of the physical world. There are limited physical resources but as a soul I am unlimited. As a spiritual being I have access to everything I need. 
Love, respect, contentment, happiness are not the products of material world. They are spiritual experiences. 
Today let me step away from the great illusion of "lack" and remind myself that I am full.​


When I have to look for something to rely on, the only support I get is from my own determined thought. I need to make it my companion, not letting go of it till I succeed. This will help me overcome my fear and move towards success. 
Today let me be determined and work towards my goal until I succeed.

Being Honest

We do try to work on weaknesses to remove them, but most times we are not able to understand what is the real cause for them. So, we do not find any marked difference, i.e., we are not able to bring about much of a change. The method to find the real weakness is to keep introspecting as to why the weakness is working. This needs honesty in the heart and clarity in the intellect. 
Today let me be honest with myself and check my weaknesses accurately and then I will experience progress.

Being Fearless

Fear makes me susceptible to fail. I make mistakes when I am afraid. When I face fear and find peace inside, when challenges arise I will be able to find a solution. 
Today let me be fearless and find solutions.


The mind functions according to the direction of the eyes. A selfish eye is one that looks at the world with the intention to take. A gracious eye sees what can be given. The thoughts I have in my mind when I sit to be silent will reveal to me where my eyes have been today.
Today let me look at the world through contributing, giving eyes.

Being Truthful

When you are truthful your words and actions become equal. You will do what you say and say what you do. Because of this you will continue to receive love and regard from everyone. Just take up one thing that you have not been able to fulfill and today take up this thought that you will do it. Tell yourself that you have the power of truth within which makes your words and actions equal. 
Today let me be truthful to myself and make effort to make my words and actions equal.

Being Light

Whenever problems come our way, we tend to feel weighed down by negative thoughts. Heaviness in the mind prevents us from moving forward with enthusiasm. Whenever I encounter a difficult situation, I need to make a special effort to remain free and light. The more light I am, the more easily I will find the solution of any problem. 
Today let me make effort to stay light.


Nothing is worth fighting for. Wisdom never fights, it waits patiently, speaks positively, releases easily, sees benefit in everything and envisions a future of abundance. Knowing that all needs will be met at the right moment, in the right way. If you think life is a struggle you will always be struggling. If you think life is a breeze, your attitudes and actions will convey lightness and easiness. And that’s what attracts everything you need, and much more.
Today let me be wise and look at life with a positive attitude!


It takes courage to cooperate. Sometimes I am faced with situations that require me to offer cooperation when I don't want to - either because I don't have the time, energy or will to offer. It takes courage to let go of my perceived limitations and offer my cooperation in spite of them. 
Today let me express cooperation as an act of courage.


Kind and constructive words create a high spirited world. To make consistent effort to offer kindness even when someone is unkind to me, is a true spiritual effort. No matter what comes at me, I can choose a productive response. 
Today let me focus my spiritual effort on being consistently kind.


In everything, goodness is there, our goal is to find it. In every person, the best is there, our job is to recognize it. In every situation, the positive is there, our opportunity is to see it. In every problem, the solution is there, our responsibility is to provide it. In every setback, the success is there, our adventure is to discover it. In every crisis, the reason is there, our challenge is to understand it. By seeing the goodness, we'll be very enthusiastic and our lives will be richer.
Today let me make effort to see Goodness in everything.

Being Stable

Extending a rope to someone drowning is best done from the safety and stability of the shore or a boat. In the same way when offering support to another person it is best done from a place of inner stability. To take on their sorrow is to reduce my capacity to help them. 
Today let me be stable and then offer support.

Seed of Thought

As the body ages, we make effort to keep it healthy and strong. When we do this out of fear we add fear to the body. When we do it out of love, the energy of love is added to the body and helps keep it healthy. The seed of my thought will influence the quality of energy in my body. 
Today let me keep my body healthy and strong with love not fear.

Being Humble

When I am humble and consider myself to be an 'instrument' for service I remain light. If I begin to seek praise or respect for the service I do, there will be a burden. When I feel burdened I constantly stop to rest. I cannot go fast, moving easily and lightly from situation to situation. The sign of being humble is lightness. 
Today let me feel light by remaining humble.

Expanding my Heart

Love makes me tolerant.When my heart is full, it is easy to accept and accommodate differences. Love makes it possible to be flexible and accommodating others becomes a game played joyfully. 
Today let me expand my heart.


Rise above little things. Be a big thinker. You are what you think. So just think big, believe big, act big, laugh big, love big and live big. Carry that list and you'll start feeling big. Be a believer and you'll be an achiever.
Today let me think Big!

Good Company

Keep the right company and life will be full. When I keep the company of Positive qualities: I wear virtues as decoration, express Love, give Regard and have an abundance of Patience. Then my life is full.  
Today let me keep company with all the right ingredients for a happy life.  

Being Merciful

When I have mercy on others, I will never lose hope on anyone, but will continue to have good wishes for everyone. Whatever the kind of person, even with the most negative situation, I will find my stock of good wishes to be always full. So I am able to be free from the expectations from others to bring about a change immediately. 
Today let me be merciful and always maintain good wishes for others.


Purity is the experience of my own original eternal qualities. Purity is the way to think pure. When I think pure, my words will be automatically  full of sweetness and my actions show the sign of contentment. To commit to being purely 100% "Me" is to commit myself to a journey of self-discovery. 
Today let me experience my Pure Self.

Free Mind

When I am able to keep my mind sweet, i.e., free from any kind of bitterness or ill-feelings, I am able to experience the beauty of life. There is no feeling of sorrow or negativity but the mind is nurtured to further positivity with everything that comes its way. I am then able to experience constant growth and progress.
Today let me make effort to keep my mind free from bitterness.