Be Like a Flower

Flowers cause many good things to happen without doing anything. Although they stay still, they have a positive effect on their world. They spread fragrance in the air, provide beauty for the eyes and pollen for bees to pollinate. In the same way can the effect of my being (not doing) make things happen
Today let me be like a flower.

Be Like a Rose

Just as the fragrance of roses and sandalwood are spread through physical means, I can spread the fragrance of happiness peace and love through my mind. I can use my mind to sprinkle the rosewater of elevated vibrations like a fountain on everyone i meet. 
Today let me uplift the atmosphere by spreading fragrance like a rose.

Experience of Eternity

Collect moments of eternity. As a being of energy, I have always been and I will always be. This is eternity. In the consciousness of eternity nothing changes. There is no sound, no time, no movement, only a continuous experience of light. When I collect these moments I feel light. 
Today let me consider the experience of eternity.

Drama of Life

Trust the drama of life to reveal what is needed when the time is right. If I force the drama to reveal something sooner that its time I will act in a way that is undignified. Then I will lose my self-respect. Instead, by maintaining my peace and my dignity, I bring self-respect to whatever comes next. 
Today let me trust the drama of life.


Contentment is an art, for it asks for contrast; utter rest in the midst of activity. Rest comes with space and space comes when there is somewhere to go and be on my own. That space is inside me. Contentment is like an underground river whose course just cannot be daunted. On the surface, people are stamping, pushing, pulling; the ground is cracking or left derelict but underneath, the river is flowing, constantly refreshing. 
Today let me enjoy the art of contentment by taking rest by my inner river.

Generous Heart

A generous heart means never to be disheartened. It means to have good wishes constantly for others and to enable others to move forward through this. Even if someone with negative characteristics comes in front, there are no feelings of negativity as there is the power to accept and recognize their specialties. I am able to remain beyond confusion and then I will effectively come out of the situation. 
Today, with a Generous Heart, let me make effort to keep good wishes for everyone!

Fragrance of Virtues

Virtue is fragrance within the soul. Virtues, unlike values, are not discussed and chosen by people or committees, they are a natural expression of the being. Virtues, qualities such as kindness, patience, courage, etc, fill the atmosphere with a natural fragrance of authenticity.
 Today let me spread the fragrance of my virtues in the world.

Protecting Myself

Don’t allow the germs of waste thought to enter you. Once a body becomes weak and unable to regain health in a short time, germs become very strong and stay in the body for a long time. By having thoughts of weakness about myself, the habit of weakness becomes like a germ that invades my entire system. 
Today let me protect myself from the germs of waste thought by having total faith in myself.

Enjoying my Part

In English literature it is understood that everyone who reads the same literary passage will interpret it differently. In the same way each person will hear, see and experience something unique in every life situation. The drama of life is customized for each of us. 
Today let me enjoy my part.

Here and Now

If you live in the wrong tense you get tensed. Many of us live in the future tense, worrying about what will happen. Or we live in the past tense, longing for better times or regretting mistakes. When I breathe life into these thoughts they become my reality and I miss the present moment. 
Today let me be here and now.

Big Picture

Thoughts fragment my reality. I break my reality into separate parts in order to have a sense of control over the whole. However this thinking separates cause from effect, and I miss the interconnections between things. Then I feel confused, fragmented, possibly a victim. When I pull my awareness back from my own thoughts I can see the whole. 
Today let me step back and see the big picture.

Crossing Obstacles

Obstacles on the journey of life are meant to make me stronger. Because I want to fulfill my potential, I invoke obstacles to test my capacity and strengthen me. When I see obstacles this way I can treat them as hurdles to jump rather than pits to sit in. 
Today let me view obstacles as friends.

Magic of Good Wishes

Relationships flow when there are good vibrations between people. Today people are easily affected by vibrations. It is better not to say something if it changes the vibration between you and another person. Instead I can change my own vibration to maintain good wishes for the other person. This requires effort on my part to reframe how I see the other and to heal any hurt feelings I have. 
Today let me use the magic of good wishes for easy relationships.

Power of Thoughts

Thought is participatory – it effects the world while claiming it is only commenting on the world . We are not separate from what we observe. Our inner beliefs affect our process of observing. The choices we make as a result, affect the world we are observing. 
Today let me affect the world with positive, constructive thoughts.

Value the Present

When I value the present I will serve through my presence. Serving with my hands, heart and head require effort. However the simplest and most powerful form of service is through my presence. By remaining aware, alert, awake to the value of the present moment, my presence serves to create an atmosphere for all. 
Today let me value the present.

Forgiving Myself

Anything I have done in the past that makes me feel ashamed about myself, leaves a residue in the conscience. Many of these past memories added together make me feel unworthy of receiving love. However, the soul underneath the residue is inherently worthy. Today let me forgive myself and allow my heart to receive love.

Free from Sorrow

Do not give sorrow or take sorrow. Most of us are very careful not to give sorrow to others. We reflect on our actions and modify them accordingly so as not to hurt anyone. However, I may still be taking sorrow from other people or from situations. When I take sorrow I am taking on the negative energy of others. I need to protect myself from this energy or I will find myself drained and negative. 
Today let me take care of myself so that I don’t take in sorrow.

Embodiment of Power

In order to overcome my weaknesses I need to become an embodiment of power. To do this, I need to get used to working with my power and believing in myself. Then I will be able to call on my inner power whenever I need it and transform a negative situation into a positive one with ease.
Today let me become an embodiment of power.

Better World

Those who transform their own habits become instruments to transform the world. The highest, most elevated qualities within me are the foundation of the creation of an elevated world.
Today let me contribute to the creation of a better world by offering my highest qualities in all situations.

My Creation

The Future is not a gift, it is a Creation. I create my life as I am living it. When I am aware that each day is my creation and not just a routine, I invest carefully creating something beautiful to live within. 
Today let me be aware of my Creation.

Do Everything Best

As you do, so you become. Every action that you perform is recorded in you, the soul. These imprints ultimately mold your character and destiny. When you understand this principle, you will pay more attention to bringing your best to everything you do. 
Today let me make effort to do everything with my best intention.


What one cannot achieve with pressure can be very easily achieved with patience. Patience brings a state of calm inside, which helps in finding the answers that already lie within. It gives courage to work on the problem in a cool and relaxed way till the solution is found. It brings creativity even to mundane things. 
Today let me be patient and bring creativity.


Everything that comes will also go. This is a very deep secret of life's drama. Pleasures come and go just as fortunes come and go. In the same way, when pain comes it will also leave. To try to hang onto something forever is to condemn myself to suffer, as it will always change.
Today let me be easy as I appreciate what comes and goes.

Expanding my Horizon

Rise above little things. Be a big thinker. My experience is based on what I think. So if I think big, believe big, act big, dream big, work big, give big, forgive big, laugh big, imagine big, love big, then I will live big. Big in spiritual terms means to be unlimited, open to all possibilities I cannot even imagine for myself. I may not experience big success in a worldly way, but a spiritual success is to be beyond all limitations. 
Today let me expand my own horizons of thinking into unlimited possibilities.

Beyond Limits

When I think I have done enough and I can do no more, it is at this time that I have the opportunity to stretch my limits. Many people feel they have reached their limit and are unable to tolerate anything else in this world and in their lives. I am able to change my world when I stretch beyond my limited thoughts about what is possible.
 Today let me stretch my limits.


Gift of Present

The past is history, so let it go. The future is a mystery, so let it come. The present is a gift – be truly in the present today and release all your fears (based on the past) and your worries (imagined futures) – this is the work of someone who truly wants to awaken, and break free from the anchors and burdens of dead yesterdays and speculative tomorrows.
Today let me enjoy the gift of Present.


When something is expressed in silence, it is with the power of thoughts. Such thoughts spread positive vibrations and reach out to others in such a way that even words can't. Then the words are not needed to express good intentions and good wishes. 
Today let me make effort to express myself through language of Silence.

Embodiment of Power

In order to overcome my weaknesses I need to become an embodiment of power. To do this, I need to get used to working with my power and believing in myself. Then I will be able to call on my inner power whenever I need it and transform a negative situation into a positive one with ease.
Today let me become an embodiment of power.


Every individual is unique with his own specialties and values. When I recognize this uniqueness, I will not expect people to behave according to what I feel is right, but will respect them for what they are. Thus I'll be able to be remain constantly cheerful. 
Today let me stay free from expectations and stay cheerful.