
Patience and more patience enable a closed mind to gently open. Sometimes it takes a long time for an inner habit to change, or for a new understanding to truly penetrate the mind. If I continue to dedicate myself humbly to understanding and improving myself, using the spiritual help available to me, then eventually I will experience change. 
Today let me enjoy the experience of being patient.


Meditation is an introspective art. As situations change, introspection helps me see beneath the surface and discern what is needed in any given moment. Meditation increases my capacity to self-regulate ~ to check myself and access my intuitive sense of what is right. Then I am able to adjust as needed in each situation to bring benefit. 
Today let me practice introspection.


If directions are given from the street level view, it is not possible to see all the obstacles and the best way around them. However directions given from above from a higher view show the clearest pathway. When I lift my consciousness and look at my life from a higher perspective I am able to see the best path forward. 
Today let me take guidance from a higher perspective.

Attitude of Joy

When I give my heart, the energy of positive feelings flows into whatever I do. When I do even the kindest thing with an attitude of duty or resentment it is not experienced as serving or giving. 
Today let me serve my heart with an attitude of joy.

Dance in Happiness

The easy way to remain happy is to remain constantly light. Pure Thoughts are light and waste thoughts are heavy. Therefore keep your intellect busy with pure thoughts and you will become light and continue to dance in happiness. We only have to make sure that we continue to give happiness to others without any expectations. For this we have to increase our own treasure of happiness by continuing to be happy under all circumstances. 
Today let me dance in happiness in all circumstances.

Staying Close to Self

When I am expressing my true self I am happy and live in clarity. When I drift away from this I find it difficult to make decisions, it is unclear which way to go forward. The further I drift from my true self, the harder it is for me to see the truth around me and I live in confusion.
Today let me stay close to myself.


Notice the beauty of peace. Throughout the day I may be so involved in accomplishing tasks and fulfilling duties that I fail to notice things that make me truly peaceful. When I stop for a moment, I can bring peace into my experience and offer peace to the world.
Today, let me notice what makes me peaceful.

Positive Qualities

Instead of reminding ourselves again and again about our weaknesses, we need to remind ourselves of our positive qualities. The more we do that, the more we will be able to emerge these qualities and work with them and slowly we'll be able to overcome our weaknesses.  
Today let me remind myself of my positive qualities.


Hope gives power. Hopelessness weakens a person, draining them of the will to move forward. I generate the energy of hope when I see strength in someone who sees only their weaknesses, or when I see the resilience inside a person or I look for a path forward through dark times. 
Today let me generate the energy of hope.

Power of Present

When I learn to forgive and forget the past and not worry about the future, I will remain in the present. By focusing on the present moment and making it high quality, I am sowing the seeds for a radiant future. 
Today let me be aware of the power of the Present moment. 

Pure Intention

When I create thoughts or involvements based on pure intentions, they will flower and grow. However, if I create something with the seed of greed, anger, vengeance or attachment, it will be corrupted in its expression. 
Today let me ensure that everything I create starts with the seed of pure intention.


When I treat others with dignity by trusting them, they will find their way in life just as a river finds the ocean. Unsolicited advice to others can be a subtle form of disrespect. Instead of advising others, let me trust in their ability to discover the solutions to their life. 
Today let me be there as a spiritual support for others and hold the highest vision of their potential.

Inner Beauty

While we spend much time 'making up' our faces to ensure our appearance is beautiful for others, we forget to make up our minds. This is not about making decisions. Making up our mind means ensuring that our thoughts are positive and our feelings towards others are filled with good wishes. When we do, others begin to sense a deeper beauty emanating from behind the skin! This is inner beauty. Don't hide behind your face. Let the real you show through
Today let me make effort to make up myself beautiful internally.

Polishing Life

Life has a way of polishing the rough edges off us. To become spiritually bright and beautiful the rough edges must be refined until my manners and character are of the highest quality. When I understand the value of polishing I will be free from irritation. 
Today let me enjoy life's polishing process.

Moving in Sync

When I am in sync with my self I am also in sync with others. The more I focus on keeping rhythm with myself, the more in-tune I can be with others. Together we can achieve success when each of us is in tune with ourselves. 
Today let me move in rhythm with myself and others.


There are many very intelligent people in the world, with ideas that are capable of solving our major problems. However we are lacking the cooperation to sustain these good ideas long enough to get 'traction' to make a difference. When I learn to foster cooperation I can help sustain initiatives over a long period of time. 
Today let me focus my attention on creating the energy of cooperation.

Inner Faith

It is important to keep faith. This is what makes you stable and steady. Practice being unshakable and steady and there will be patience. Then nothing can shake you. Patience gives strength. It is great fortune to be unshakable. Not just in front of my own personal circumstances, but the adverse circumstances of others. What makes you shake is actually a lack of self-confidence, which means a lack of faith in the self.
Today let me have faith in myself and increase my inner stability.


Kind and constructive words create a high spirited world. To make consistent effort to offer kindness even when someone is unkind to me, is a true spiritual effort. No matter what comes at me, I can choose a productive response. 
Today let me focus my spiritual effort on being consistently kind.


When I am taking care of myself internally, my compassion extends outwards to others. If there is no genuine compassion and kindness towards myself, it is difficult to sustain genuine compassion towards others. 
Today let me experience and express compassion for myself


Love brings consistent success. If I am doing something I love, I will put all my energy into making it work and doing the best I can. 
Today let me add the flavor of love in whatever I work on.


Everyone seeks cooperation from others, but the beauty lies in cooperating with others. When I am able to be cooperative with others and provide them with the help that they require, I am able to enjoy the joy of giving unconditionally. I am free from expectations from others and I am able to enjoy the growth that I perceive in others. This is the true help that one can extend to others.
Today let me extend the hand of cooperation to others.

Being Open

The one who is open to the ideas of others is the one who is able to learn from everything. He is humble and has respect for all. He has the authority over what he does, he is the master and is yet open to learning. Even when best plan and ideas are rejected or criticised, I am able to remain cool and light because of my regard for others and their ideas. Because of this I am able to constantly learn and experience progress.
Today let me be open to other's ideas.

Look Inwards

We all have three eyes. Two for looking out and one for looking in. Why would we want to look in when everything is happening ‘out there’? Because the treasure we seek is inside, not outside. What is treasure? Beauty, truth, peace, happiness. You already have what you seek. You already are stunningly beautiful. You are already peaceful and loving. How come you don’t know this? Simple, you never look inwards, beyond superficial memories or recent experiences, so you never see your own riches. 
Today let me take a moment to stop and look inside.

Positive Light

The biggest mistake is to keep the mistake of others in your mind. When I hold something negative about others in my mind, it lodges there as negative energy. Every time I see the person I will be reminded of this mistake, condemning them by reliving it myself. Eventually this mistake will be so deeply ingrained in my memory that I will believe it is the other person’s character. When this happens, I am unable to see them in a positive light. And I lose the ability to see someone in a positive light; I lose my own light. 
Today let me make effort to clear my memory and see the positive light.

Inner Stability

Stability requires focus. When I seek stability from situations and relationships I become unsteady because I put myself at the mercy of their opinions and feelings. It is like standing with my feet in two boats.But if I place my attention on inner peace and my own spiritual wellbeing, I plant my feet firmly in one boat. Then I can ride the waves of whatever comes. 
Today let me focus on myself and develop inner stability.


An apology is an opportunity to release myself from the mistake I have made. Mistakes hold me in bondage. Even the memory of a mistake holds me in bondage. 
Today let me release myself from mistakes.


The best nourishment for both the body and mind is the nourishment of happiness. The one who is able to be in happiness under all circumstances is truly healthy. When I have the aim to be happy, I will start finding reasons to be so. Happiness brings a lot of other qualities that help me empower myself to face challenges. So, I become stronger mentally, thereby becoming physically healthier too. 
Today I will be happy whatever the situations or challenges I may have to face throughout the day.

Untie Old Bondages

When there is subservience there is dislike. It is hard to genuinely like something when you are dependent on it. Subservience of the spirit comes when I tie myself to physical things or people. This creates a relationship of expectation and subtle dislike. If the deep desire of my heart is to be free, then life will support this aim by extracting me from ties that bind and restrict my spirit. It may seem like things are breaking down around me, but actually I am being freed. 
Today let me untie myself from old bondages.


Renunciation is to do the right thing even when it's hard and it means giving up something. Mothers renounce all the time ~ sleep, food, time, energy ~ in order to give to their children. Spiritually the act of letting go creates space to receive something new. When I renounce 'my way' or 'my time' I suddenly find things going my way and having lots of time. In this way, renunciation creates fortune. 
Today let me let go of something with my mind and create the space to receive.

Cleaning the Heart

Look in the mirror of your heart. The heart is my conscience. When my heart is clear and clean I can see my pure intention. Then my pure intentions will find pure expression in my actions. My actions will be an indicator of my clean heart. 
Today let me check and clean the mirror of my heart.

Embodiment of Solutions

Never look at what’s not working. We know that many things don’t work as they should now in our world. When I look at what is not working I lose energy. When I approach every situation with the attitude of “how can I help make this work” I will find solutions and others will be attracted to join in. 
Today let me be an embodiment of solutions.